Check out my CBR Review of Wonder Woman #611 here.
As always, likes and tweets are appreciated!
You are currently browsing the archive for the wonder woman category.
Check out my CBR Review of Wonder Woman #611 here.
As always, likes and tweets are appreciated!
Tags: comics!
There’s a good discussion going on over on CSBG…
My two cents is that this is a huge misstep, not just in the super cheap looking costume itself (and the hair and make-up, which are also really bad) but in the way it’s been revealed. Palicki looks uncomfortable at best and miserable at worst as she poses awkwardly in bright light in a white room with no context. She’s not channeling a single “Diana” thing in this image…what is that expression supposed to be other than “what the hell have I gotten myself into?”
How much more interesting would a “real life” version take on this be (with or without the eagles of course!):
Or hell, even an updated version of this:
Then again, maybe this is about lowering expectations? If so, congratulations to everyone involved!
Tags: comics!
Wonder Woman never gets sexy sexy times. It sucks.
So here’s some alt Ben Caldwell Wonder Woman gettin’ some love.
This second one seems kind of sad because he looks maybe hurt…or unconscious…or dead. STILL COUNTS. PLUS THERE IS SEXY RAIN!
Tags: comics!
Head on over to Comics Should Be Good and check out the latest She Has No Head! – a look at part two of my 20 Favorite Female Comics Creators!
A new She Has No Head! is up. Part one of a two part look at 20 of my favorite female comics creators of 2010. Check it out!
Tags: comics!, she has no head!
I just got in the mail today, my amazing Lucy Knisley Wonder Women print. It’s gorgeous. I can’t wait to frame it and get it up.
Bathe in jealousy…
Of course, you could just buy one yourself.
Tags: comics!, things made of awesome
I meant to include this Wonder Woman drawing I stumbled across a while ago by Zachary Flagg Baldus in the “Wonder Woman Compilation” on my Superheroine Fashion post for She Has No Head! on Monday…but missed it. So here it is on its own, and totally worthy of standing alone by the way. Stunning.
Tags: things made of awesome
Despite my comic geekiness I’ve never really been into statues/figures – or really toys even – except for maybe the occasional awesome plush (so cute!). I don’t know why…I mean, it’s a good thing because I have just about zero dollars extra cash lying around – and less than zero space for such things. HOWEVER – you knew there was a however coming, right? – I recently bought some awesome Venture Bros. stuff for Adam from Entertainment Earth and in the process found myself getting drawn into some great stuff.
First, the Venture Bros. stuff I got was AWESOME (and these are just the bobble heads!)
From Left: Brock, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, The Monarch. Not pictured: Dr. Orpheus - who is awesome, but had a broken finger, so had to be returned/replaced
Second, I did a mini-shopping spree for Wonder Woman gear, of which I’ve had none until now, including a Wonder Woman plush
to match the Batman plush I got for my birthday in June. I also go a great mug, and a business card holder, which is awesome.
Third, I’ve never bought a figure or statue in my life – and usually – though they’re sometimes cool looking – don’t really get the appeal, that said, this Black Canary statue is the best statue I’ve ever seen. And if I was ever to buy a statue this would be it. It’s just a great representation that really FEELS like Dinah. And unlike most statues of female superheroes she’s really not objectified here at all – the costume is zipped up, the boots are badass but flat, the posing is strong and cool rather than sexy and come hither. It’s a home run as far as I’m concerned.
Another thing I really found myself wanting to buy but resisted?
Joan Holloway from Mad Men:
Very cool. But I stood my ground.
Me vs. Things I Can’t Afford?
Me: 1
Things I Can’t Afford: 0
Of course…I did buy those Wonder Woman things…hmm…let’s just move on!
Wonder Woman says:
I haven’t been dedicated about trying to build my twitter…but I think maybe it’s time to get serious. Follow me on twitter and I promise…nothing…except that I only twitter if there’s news/new posts or if legitimately think I’ve got a shot at being reasonably funny.
Give it a try…you can always drop me if it doesn’t work out…although in truth I hate that…so if you’re not sure maybe you should just stay put…hmmm…this didn’t go as planned. Regardless! Follow me on twitter! 79semifinalist.
Tags: comics!, shameless self promotion, twitter