“Finally, we come to the end of this unsatisfying “Odyssey” arc for “Wonder Woman.” It’s hard not to breathe a sigh of relief and look with hope toward Cliff Chiang and Brian Azzarello’s take on Diana next month.
This issue of “Wonder Woman” feels like it was tacked on to get the “Odyssey” arc to match up with the September re-launch and, as a result, it reads like an anti-climactic re-hash of issue #613, with some saccharine pages at the end. Diana, having “reabsorbed” the rest of herself (don’t ask) in “Wonder Woman” #613, now fights Nemesis and defeats her. But since Diana kills Nemesis with Nemesis’ own sword, the sword binds to Diana and tries to make her the “new” Nemesis…”
Read the rest of my CBR Review of Wonder Woman #614 here.
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