brett ratner is an a hole

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“Most of the great graphic novels are gone, and ‘Youngblood‘ is one of the few comic books left with tentpole potential,” Ratner said.

This from a CBR story that Youngblood has been acquired for Brett Ratner to direct for mid-six figures.

I can’t even begin to take apart Ratner’s statement because it’s so ridiculous.  Also, anyone that knows ANYTHING about comics and graphic novels can tell you he doesn’t know a god damn thing about comics based on this sentence.  Which kind of explains the whole X3 nightmare.

I guess the silver lining in all of this is that Youngblood sucks pretty hard already and Ratner sucks the biggest amount possible, so they’re kind of a match made in heaven.  Since Ratner’s goal in life seems to be going around ruining awesome stuff (again – the X Franchise, among other things) then I’d rather he’s kept busy on something that kind of sucks to begin with.  As Adam put it when he brought my attention to this article – “a perfect storm of suck”.  Well said Adam, well said.
