Sorta on time???
Rules: one cover from the “mainstream” (i.e. DC/Marvel) and one cover from the “indies” (i.e. anything NOT DC/Marvel).
In the mainstream corner we have Kris Anka’s absolutely mind blowing Uncanny X-Force #10. I cannot even with how amazing this idea is from stunning concept to perfect execution. It’s smart, highly relevant to the content within (which I WISH I like a tenth as much as Anka’s covers), and just ballsy and cool on every level. Love it.

On the independent side, we have a SLIGHT cheat this month, as I’m not sure Vertigo REALLY falls on the indie side, since they’ve technically got the backing of DC. However, the content (and cover, concept, everything) of this book feels indie AND given the state of Vertigo these days (great books, but not nearly enough of them) I feel okay with this choice. Regardless, Collider #1 by Nathan Fox is absolutely deserving of this slot – a STUNNING cover that everyone will have to chase for “best cover of the year” (for me at least). Inspired colors, composition, positive/negative space, text/title block design, and concept. Utterly fantastic. This is comics, kids!