Well, make that PAGE of the week. And if you think I’m having trouble editing myself, know that I could have easily scanned pretty much the entire issue of Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3 and put it up for contention. Great, great issue. Kate Beaton knocked it out of the park (twice!) in her funny pieces, and everyone else brought their A game as well…but I couldn’t resist this page from Eduardo Medeiros’ piece (with an assist by Judy Leheup). I tip my hat to you sir…awesome stuff.
You are currently browsing articles tagged marvel’s strange tales II.
Easy win this week for Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3. A bunch of hilarious giant headed Ivan Brunetti superheroes at the gym (and Spider-Man playing raquetball!) who can beat that? Nobody, that’s who!
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, marvel's strange tales II