lamenting the loss of studio 60

i plan to write a more involved post about Studio 60 tomorrow after i finally finish the last of the episodes i have saved up on tivo, but i just have to ask you people, why weren’t you watching this show?  it is SO good (i only started recording it after i learned it had been cancelled). 

my complaint about the show early on was that it was kind of naturally getting compared (by me and everyone else) to The West Wing, and it was hard to take the show seriously because The West Wing was about some intense life changing stuff…i mean it was hard NOT to care.  so in comparison Studio 60 initially appears a bit vapid…white house drama versus backstage comedy show drama?  not really even a fight.  however, the show had some of the most fully developed characters, and hands down the best, most witty writing around. 

as television viewers, have we just forgotten what quality programming looks and sounds like? 

most of our shows these days (on the major networks) pander to the lowest common denominator (and i’m not even talking about reality tv which is in a horrible category of it’s own).  even Heroes, a show i really enjoy, and can’t wait to premiere, has its low points.  there are episodes of Heroes (and whole characters – Nicki anyone?) that are just gag inducing, but not so with Studio 60…it was just so good…consistently.  so please, if you’re someone out there that gave up on Studio 60 early on then let me know.  although if you’re one of those people who was angry with it because it had a bunch of liberal pontificating and because it was filled with “those liberals” then i don’t want to hear from you…i saw too much of this criticism early on, and i have to say, what the hell else do expect from a show about a comedy show in hollywood?  as a sidenote to this i have to say that they actually balanced all that “liberal atheism” nicely as one of the best characters on the show was a hardcore christian.  but seriously, if you’re someone who tuned in for a few episodes and was exited for and wanted to like the show, i genuinely want to know where it went wrong for you…?

it just never went wrong for me, and having watched a block of delicious episodes last night i am so sad to know its not coming back.



  1. Brooke Gardner’s avatar

    It really was one of the best shows on tv – but I knew it wouldn’ t last – way too smart for the average tv viewer. I watched it from the beginning and it really did keep getting better. I had to tivo the last three episodes and pretty much watched them back to back, and I have to say that I think I did get a little teary eyed myself when I realized how stupid the majority of people are and that that was why this show was cancelled. People would rather be spoon fed milk toast than have to think about ANYTHING. Which leads me to be fearful for Big Love.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    you and i are basically sharing a mind at this point.

    ditto to everything you said.

    i too was in great feat for big love – but you heard it got renewed for a third season at least, right?

    yippee! i’m going to wait until next spring/summer to be worried about season 4…

  3. Brooke Gardner’s avatar

    I didn’t know until today (from you) that it was renewed – I was seriously wondering about it the other day.

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