damages schmamages

okay, so i’m not giving it up, i think i’ve got more attention span left in me than that, but this is fair warning to FX (etc.) that Damages is officially on notice.

i am still completely interested in the larger story arc, but a Katie Connor heavy episode caused me to roll my eyes and sigh repeatedly last night, wishing for more time with Glenn Close.  i truly hope that i am supposed to NOT like this character, because if i’m supposed to like her then she is both miscast and badly written.  i find it hard to believe that in an otherwise well cast, well written show this character somehow got lost in the shuffle, despite playing such a large role early on.  This same thing has happened on Heroes as well in that Nicki is a terrible character (along with a couple others) and she is way too important, but i’ll go so far as to say that despite my love love love of Heroes i can also admit it is an uneven show and i’m not surprised when they make mistakes – like creating a completely unlikable character – but at this point i have more faith in the Damages writers, so i’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt.  an upside, and a reason to keep tuning in despite last night’s frustrating episode, is that it appears Katie has hit the road, packing up her little car and taking off with a stomp of her little feet. 

[spoiler warning]

the girl hitting (oh so hard) on Ellen’s fiance David, is clearly a set up.  i mean unfortunately i know first hand how aggressive young girls that think they are super attractive can be (sadly many of us do), but she’s just making things too easy.  and having confirmation on Gregory, who we all suspected was a little rat anyway, in the same episode that this “vixeny other woman” character gets introduced is just too obvious.  the stuff with Patty’s right hand man, Tom has gotten some much needed and very interesting story time, i love the dimensions they are giving to some of these other characters, it is helping to keep everything nice and lush.  the bit with Ellen and David falling asleep in theater was great.  and the scene with Patty and Ellen in which Patty gave us some nice “trust no one” forshawdowing keeps us on our toes nicely as viewers, reminding us that not all is as it seems and that a lot can change, very quickly.  we need more Patty (i.e. more Glenn Close) as she is by far the best asset this show has going for it, other than the larger story arc, which is incredibly intriguing as they feed it to us piecemeal.

i’m hanging in there…so long as we don’t have to see any more of Katie for a long long time.