robots, robots, robots…!

okay, this is not quite robots, and is maybe the opposite of “sexbots” it is a promo for the Bionic Woman airing in September.  i do not recommend clicking on this link to take the test at work, unless you are all alone or work only with deaf people.  there is a really really really loud mini-movie of a car crash (which you can skip) when you first click on the link (which caused all my co-workers to immediately perk up and in some cases even run over to my desk – yes – it’s that loud) but even the test itself, which is kind of fun, needs volume.

also, if you want a high score i suggest an environment unlike work, where you can focus, not that it is overtly difficult, but with the volume low and phones ringing, maybe not the best environment.  also, you should be working anyway, not taking fake tests online, right?

i also don’t recommend watching the actual show when it airs whether you participate in this fun little interactive test or not.  i’ve decided to watch one episode, because i so desperately would like the show to be good (like Heroes) but judging from the promo commercial i saw recently, i will want to gouge out my own eyes with the closest possible implement after watching five minutes of it (and that is even if there is no technology to give me bionic eyes).


ps – i stole the link to the bionics test from Pop Candy, a great little site that does a fantastic job of keeping me informed on all things pop, with very little effort on my part.  although Whitney did not warn me about the volume issues – for shame!