flight of the conchords…*sniff*

so sad to see you go.

it was also kind of a sad episode.  with the boys spending time apart and then being made to feel like ultimate losers by being dumped by their new band members.  the show ended on a bit of a bittersweet note, but at least they were together, and have yet to sell out to “the machine” that is hollywood/pop/everything that makes money but is soulless.

i cannot wait for the triumphant return of bret and jemaine.  perhaps someone will buy me the series on dvd (that was a hint people).

ps – i didn’t even bother with the soulless Entourage, i’m sure i’ll catch it on repeats, i’m also sure there will be nothing of real note to report.  *sigh*



  1. jim’s avatar

    If you like these guys, you might like tripod, an australian comedy musical group:

    A couple of sample tunes:

    gonna make you happy tonight:

    hot girl in the comic shop:


  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    i’ll check them out, thanks Jim.

    although i must confess that my love of flight of the conchords is less about the music and more about the comedy.

    thanks for reading.


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