Apple iphone and the end of the world…

I have been reading McSweeney’s Internet Tendency everyday for the past week or so (why wasn’t I doing this for my whole life? I have no idea, the only excuse is that I’m a complete idiot…the stuff over there is just hilariously brilliant…or brilliantly hilarious, whichever you prefer). McSweeney’s posts new stuff every day, so you, like me should go there every day, but I wanted to bring your attention to this gem by Matthew Duverne Hutchinson titled “A Few Years After The Complete Collapse Of The Global Economy, A Consumer Reporter Reviews The IPhone”. It’s wonderfully fun.

Unfortunately neither Firefox nor Safari are allowing me to link things for some reason, so you’ll have to follow the path below to get to it. Or of course you can click on McSweeney’s on my home page and go to the Internet Tendency. Enjoy!