Halloween baby!

I love Halloween.

Something about Fall, which I also love, and the idea of being something else…anything else, for a little while. Plus, while anything might happen on Halloween there is much less expectation than with a holiday like the always sucking New Years, which can’t ever possibly live up to the hype and expectation (I really really hate New Years…can’t remember ever having a good one).

There’s also something naughty and juvenile about Halloween that appeals to me…the idea of being 14 or 15 and on a “date” with a boy you have a big crush on and being at a scary haunted house and that being the perfect excuse to be scared and maybe flirty…if a 14 year old even really knows what flirty is (I know I didn’t). And I love being scared, even though I’m a scaredy cat, and prone to being easily startled, and having nightmares about zombies. I guess the bottom line is that Halloween turns me on in a kind of juvenile and almost innocent way, whatever it is, the shit makes me happy.

So as my depression has been lifting (about damn time) and I’ve finally begun to enjoy one of my favorite months as my favorite holiday approaches (just in the nick of time) I was thinking of Halloween’s past and came across a couple photos…so I thought I’d share. I’m looking for one that is mysteriously missing of my famous randomly blinking devil horns (that year I went as “the world going to hell in a handbasket” – yeah nobody “got it”, but I liked it). The blinking horns are a crowd favorite and probably the best 10 bucks I’ve ever spent. I’ll be wearing them, as per tradition, on Wednesday at work, but I haven’t decided whether to wear the fun pink wig yet…thoughts?


There’s something great about wigs…and having awesome short hair, but only temporarily :)


And bangs that go away when you’re tired of them (much opposed to what I’ve got going on currently)

I know this one isn’t in color, but it’s a great little photo…and the hair looks platinum, which almost makes me want to switch back to it again. Also, I’m in my favorite hoodie sweatshirt. Hoodie sweatshirts are also awesome.


Me in a pumpkin patch when I was little. Pumpkin patches are awesome.

What have we learned today class? Pumpkin patches, hoodie sweatshirts, Halloween, pink wigs, and blinking devil horns are all awesome. And New Years Eve sucks.


  1. WendySkeleton’s avatar

    I never understood why Australia never celebrated Halloween. It just never took off down here and I’m seriously stumped as to why. Maybe it’s because our pumpkins suck.

    Hope you don’t mind, but:


    The prospect of a talking pumpkin entertains me.

  2. billyz’s avatar

    pumpkin patches are even awesomer when you’ve got a great picture of you as a little kid in one. nice touch. also, there’s just so much in that photo. it’s perfect! i mean, maybe it’s because i’m a bit sleep deprived right now, but it looks like you’ve got the whole place to yourself. and i can see you thinking “maybe i should have gotten that other one”. i mean how do you pick just one pumpkin when they’re all over like that and they ALL could be yours… ALL be yours… ALL be yours… it’ like, hello jack-o-lantern masterpiece… and mmmmm, pumpkin pie.

    i’m thinking i might miss fall a bit here in socal. be sure to enjoy it for me.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    The fun pink wig looks…fun! And pink! I’d say it’s a keeper, but I like women with bangs. Definitely wear it to work because really, when else can you??

  4. Brooke Gardner’s avatar

    yeah, i got the whole “hell in a handbasket” costume…isn’t that the day we all went to crocadile cafe for lunch? those blinking horns are cool.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    wendy: thanks for reading – and thanks for the cartoon, starring me. talking pumpkins always entertain. i didn’t realize Halloween wasn’t really celebrated in Australia…that’s a shame, you should start a movement.

    bill: it’s a great picture…only to be surpassed by a great picture i have of my brother eyeing a pumpkin (though not in a pumpkin patch)…maybe i’ll post it as well.

    paul: i’m glad you like bangs. you should know that most women (well, most women i know) like them as well, but they drive you INSANE…so very troublesome. especially (i think) if you live somewhere like new york…always walking around getting messed up, or sweaty, or blown around. it sucks. which is why the wig is so great…i’ll seriously consider it.

    brooke: you know first hand about the blinking horns! they are so great. i actually found a picture of me in them, but without the blinking they just look like cheesy plastic. so i won’t pose. :(

    miss you – are you and evan doing anything for Halloween (or as it’s sunday already…did you?)

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