sentence of the day…

So yesterday was my first day of trying to WriMo, as mentioned previously, I’m not necessarily aiming for 50,000 words, but I am aiming for a fully completed (horrible) draft of my book Lola LeFever, which is part two in a trilogy (yes, part one has been completed).  So I aim to write everyday, and give you my loyal readers both my word count for the day and my best sentence written that day.  I hope that having to deliver those things to a audience and real imposed deadline (this blog) that I will stay on task.  We’ll see (frankly, it’s hard already).  But here we go…


Words Written:  1461

Best Sentence: The instant I heard the impact of steel hitting dirt at hundreds of miles per hour I felt a fire inside me, a power that enveloped me and loved me like nothing had ever bothered to before.

Yuck!  This sentence sucks!  I can’t believe this is the best sentence…oy.  I’ll have to do much better tomorrow.  Here’s to tomorrow’s sentence being better than that…