A little art from Adam…

As I’ve mentioned before, Adam is a far superior cartoonist and artist than I am, and he’s been proving it in spades lately as he’s been sketching a lot more these days (I’m not sure who is influencing who at this point, but as long as we’re both more productive, who cares). Below is a little sketch he did of me called Kelly Bunny. It’s a great little drawing (and he was very nice to me, representationally speaking) and he agreed to let me put it up. I’ve been begging for weeks months for him to add comic strip or cartoon content to my blog…so I’ll take what I can get, which in this case, was great.



  1. Paul’s avatar

    Hubba hubba, bunny rabbit! 😛

  2. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I’m still waiting for his sketch of the BroSnake.

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    paul: it’s a very kind cartoon…it also looks nothing like me, but instead looks how i WISH i looked. :)

    josh: adam says BroSnake is on it’s way.

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    BroSnake is not on it’s way.

  5. Paul’s avatar

    Whether BroSnake is or isn’t, it should be its way and not it’s way. 😛

    ::hides under desk like a good editor should::

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    paul: yikes. so it IS going to be like that? jeez. okay, consider the gauntlet officially thrown down.

  7. Paul’s avatar

    I can’t help it! It’s like a virus in me or something! Maybe I’m a superhero and need the “cure.”

  8. Keegan xavi’s avatar

    he’s got the cute little heart-shaped face down perfectly…. so cute.. you fluffy little bunny-wabbit you…

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