short fiction rejection #5

When it rains, it pours.  I just got a rejection today, not really for short fiction but rather for a “list” that I submitted to McSweeney’s for their McSweeney’s Internet Tendency Lists.  I got a nice little email from them, but it was a rejection all the same.  Why is it rejections come in little painful groups?  It’s like the rejection people see you exposed and vulnerable from a previous recent rejection and think, “oh, now’s a good time to let her know…STRIKE NOW!”  It’s so frustrating.  So debilitating.  And I am barely in the infant stages of rejection…*sigh*

The official count, revised from yesterday to reflect this submission that I forgot about:  1 for 6

1 comment

  1. drtombibey’s avatar

    I posted my thoughts on rejection today.

    Dr. B

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