#31 Comic of the Day


I am the queen of internet shopping.  Hopefully it is the thought…and not the EFFORT that necessarily counts.  I do try to think outside the box and get fun, relevant, and sometimes unexpected things for friends and family…I also always overspend, perhaps in an effort to offset the fact that I’m unwilling to fight the crowds? 


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I usually overspend in an attempt to get better gifts next year. Never seems to work.

  2. Paul’s avatar

    I’ve yet to online shop, but one year I suspect I will. People are annoying, and yes I know the irony in saying that is that, to someone else going out to shop, I’m part of the “people” and just as annoying but to them I say that they are annoying for even considering me part of a people that is without a doubt annoying and only gets worse in small, cramped spaces where body heat and sweat mingle to make a could of consumer death-odor and then ::head explodes::

  3. kfugrip’s avatar

    TK42ONE: Interesting theory…

    Kelly: I like this comic with it’s dull roar. You (and I) do LOVE to internet shop. I don’t particularly like crowds but I feel like I should have shopped on black Friday in order to benefit from sales. Maybe next year.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: I will be thinking this way from now forward!

    Paul: I can’t believe you don’t internet shop…I thought everyone did at least a little bit…even if they weren’t as lazy as I am. There are often things I can’t even get if I don’t buy them online. All that said, if you haven’t started internet shopping, perhaps you are the smartest of all of us as it is a total addiction…it’s just too easy.

    Kfugrip: I’m glad you like this one…you know how I hate drawing anything remotely difficult like a city scene or lots of people, so this was an annoying comic to draw, I made it easier by cheating and copping out at every opportunity. I will never be caught dead out on Black Friday…too scary.

  5. Rebecca Hahn’s avatar

    Wait! I like your handwriting. :)

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Rebecca: yeah, i agree, it was just an experiment…also because i screwed up the comic and it was easier to fix in photoshop (and i’m swamped these days with little time to fuss over the comic…if it’s not right the first time…too bad!). i will be going back to handwriting for sure…it fits the “super rough” low-tech style i’m using anyway. but i do need to try harder to be neat and easily readable :)

    thanks for reading beautiful…i miss you so much!

    also – people still keep searching for “brian kelly hahn” and finding my blog…what is up with that…who is looking for your husband!?

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