Seriously, maybe it’s just the neighborhood (although it’s pretty much the same 10 block radius I do everything in) but without fail I get attempted pick ups after therapy, no matter how lousy (or good) I might be feeling that day. What’s up with that? This is one of my favorite cartoons thus far, mostly because it was fun drawing the girl in panel 3, I forget how much I like drawing women when they aren’t me.
I just don’t want to think about you getting hit on.
theyetiinside: and what exactly is wrong with your sister getting hit on? huh?! huh?! *tapping foot expectantly*
Paul: indeed i am a redhead…though i make no claim to being a natural one.
i have to say, in addition to having red hair i do have AWESOME hair…it’s one of the few truly awesome things i have going on (and i have the salon bills to prove it), it’s true that this could be part of what gets me noticed, although i feel like i got about equal attention as a blonde as well.
kfugrip: yes it does, but strangely never with you around…i wonder why…
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