#39 Comic of the Day


This is maybe the most true and accurate comic I have produced to date. 

Sadly this year it means we will not be going anywhere for our anniversary (4 years!).  The irony is that at one point or another we invariably manage to convince the other of our opinion, but at the same time the we have come around to their opinion, and so we still manage to be on opposite sides. 

It is endlessly frustrating…and agonizing.  Here we are trying to do something nice for each other and yet we simply cannot agree on the best way to do it.  We have had some amazing trips in our lives (San Francisco/San Luis Obispo, New Hampshire/Maine, and Hawaii instantly spring to mind) but we may have to live on memories as it seems to become more and more difficult to agree.  I suppose this is the (other) downside to trying to live harmoniously as two alpha personalities…we’re both “too strong” to just live peacefully together.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    And this accurately describes our anniversary a couple of years ago. I wanted to splurge on a nice $5k week-long vacation to the Biltmore (the one in NC). Wifey-wifey said we don’t have the money. So now we’re saving for our 10th anniversary a few years down the road. What I can’t believe is that she actually made me return the tickets to go. All the time in the lap of luxury and she turned it down.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    that sounds incredible! maybe people who want to blow 5k like us are deliberately paired with more rational budget oriented people for a reason? food for thought.

    i love some luxury though. i can’t help it, i just really love awesome luxurious hotels and the idea of being pampered. probably because i’ve spent my entire “career” taking care of other people and doing the crappy work nobody else wants to do. this is slowly changing at my job, but it’s pretty ingrained into my soul at this point, as such i LOVE to be taken care of. it’s borderline erotic to me at this point. and it can relax me into sleep like a baby as well (those two don’t go too well together though i suppose).

    have a great time on your biltmore trip…when it finally arrives…it sounds fantastic…and maybe the waiting will make it even better.

  3. Brie’s avatar

    I love this comic! That’s exactly my husband and I. I sympathize with you – good luck!

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    I knew this comic would be a hit.

    In my defense, I like to be pampered as well, I don’t want it to cost so much at this point in my life. I don’t have the cash for it.

  5. Keegan xavi’s avatar

    4 years???!!! congratulations….. celebration location don’t matter.. i spent my honeymoon WEEKEND in my husband’s roommate’s fly ass condo… but then again, look how that relationship turned out.. on second thought, splurge, splurge, spluge…luxury. congratulations, you two!

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Brie: Thanks for checking in – and thanks for your myspace comment the other day – much appreciated! It’s exhausting isn’t it? The “not agreeing”. *sigh*

    Adam: You are wonderful, we just have different priorities. You’ll notice I gave each of us a good smart glove (Value for you and Luxury for me) and a less rational more subjective glove (Budget for you and Splurge for me). I did TRY to be fair.

    Xavi: I know…4 years…sounds crazy…you know what’s crazier? In March it will actually really be 6 years! But we agreed to call the “official anniversary” the date that “we officially decided we were dating exclusively” drama, huh? Anyway, 6 years sounds even more nuts in my mind. We’ve decided to stay in NYC as there are lots of good things to do here that will be on our list. It will be nice to have a few calm relaxing fun filled days together (that aren’t too expensive) do I sound like I’m trying really hard to convince myself? Oh yeah, I am.

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