#50 Comic of the Day


But I made it!  Whooo!  Now I can get back to important things, like drawing decent comics.  This is number 50, which seems like it should be a milestone…but next to 52 books it seems minor at best.

I hope you are all digging into work with a happy fervor.  I was disappointed to find that I was as miserable as ever at the thought of returning to work.  It’s not like I have a horrible job or work with terrible people…the job is not so bad, certainly the most interesting and rewarding work I’ve had the opportunity to do thus far in life and the people are some of the best I’ve ever worked with, but it’s just not what I want to do with my life I guess, so it’s not so great to return to it after almost two weeks of freedom. 

With the exception of being sick for several days over my break, I have to say I had an absolutely fantastic time…did exactly what I wanted all the time…hung out with Adam; played games with Adam – mostly lost to Adam :( ; slept in; made pancakes; went to great restaurants; saw movies; did some home improvements – which were rewarding enough in the end to make it seem not so bad; watched some amazing documentary tv; and just layed around feeling free and happy reading and writing (not enough as usual) and drawing (also not enough).  It was so great.  I guess that is what made it so difficult to return to work.  I just really want to get to a place where life is much closer to the break I just had, rather than getting that two or three weeks out of a year.  But I suppose there is nothing original about that.

Damn.  I didn’t mean for this to be a downer post…but sadly, that’s where it went.  Happy New Years everyone…let’s get back to work I guess… :)