#53 Comic of the Day


Ah, so true.  So sad.

I’m finding getting into 2008 (despite my productive and massive 2008 priorities list) to be quite a drag, which is the opposite of what I was hoping for.  I’m getting some things done, but I’m definitely not “having more fun” as I noted I should try hard to do in 2008.  I also did a preliminary 2008 budget and cannot believe how strict and horrible it is.  What was I doing before?  Oh yeah, credit cards.  Great.  Anyway, how are you guys faring with 2008?  Better I hope…


  1. Paul’s avatar

    Noooooo, you gotta vacation on vacation! And sleep. That’s how I am going to do it from now on.

    You used one of my favorite words: workity. Bonus!

  2. kfugrip’s avatar

    Yeah, your bouts of sickness have uncanny timing. So do mine. Next weekend we start the 2008 FUN!… okay.

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I usually have to go back to work just so I can relax after my vacation. But when I am able to “truly” vacation, it is wonderful.

    You’ll have to go here to see how I’m doing (http://tk42one.blogspot.com/2008/01/week-in-review.html) but thanks for the idea!

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: I know. I always get sick at the start (or middle) of my vacations…so I have to make them long enough that I at least get in some genuine fun time. The last four days I spent in New York when I was well were great.

    workity is the best.

    Adam: 2008 FUN! so where’s the plan…i asked you to figure out what we’re going to do…what’s it going to be?

    TK42ONE: love your week in review…and thanks for the links!

  5. kfugrip’s avatar

    We’re going to see Juno and have lobster rolls @ the Mermaid Inn. FUN!

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    REALLY?! yea!!!!!!!!!

  7. Paul’s avatar

    I want a lobster roll!

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