#66 The 1979 Semi-Finalist: The Comic


Okay, okay, it wasn’t really THIS dramatic, it wasn’t the end of the world, but it sure was a bummer.  We only missed probably the last 60 seconds or so, but it was a pretty intense ending and it’s lame to have to rent it just to watch 60 seconds or download it or whatever.  Annoying.  You know what was also super annoying about this movie?  The “relationship” between Redford and Dunaway.  LAME!  The whole movie was pretty good and interesting, but I just hate it when movies try to wedge in a romance where none belongs.  This was one of the most unbelievable “romances” I’ve ever seen in a movie.  If not for that factor I think I really would have enjoyed the movie, instead it gets a barely 3 stars.

Onto more important issues.  I need a name for this strip.  As you can see in my title I’m playing with some ideas, but I’m not loving anything I’ve thought of.  Anyone have any great ideas?  I’d kind of like to keep the words “journal comic” out of the title but otherwise I’m pretty open to anything…bring on the suggestions!



  1. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I cast my vote for “The Emasculating Adventures of Adam in Kelly World.”

  2. Paul’s avatar

    How about Kelly’s Kool Komics?

    Okay, that won’t work. You could do something more random. Or more meaningful to you. Not every journal comic has to have the work comic in it (this coming from me, ugh!). Take Reidsrow, for instance. I believe he refers to his work as High Maintenance Machine.

    I tried to look up the lyrics to your favorite song by The Bad Plus, searching for inspiration other than the current name of your blog. Can’t locate them. Maybe they’ll help. Or maybe you can go with “The Times of Adam and I” or something.

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    How about “Lookin’ Fiiiiine” or “Hey baby, wanna date?”

    Or, on another topic, “My Fabulous Hair” or “He’s Bald, I’m Not.”

    Or, even better, “The I’m-so-lame-I-asked-my-readers-to-name-this-comic Comic.” But that’s kinda long and you’re not so lame.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    How about “I Drew My Arm Super Thin In This Comic And I Don’t Know Why?”

    Seriously, what is up with that arm? I wish! You guys shouldn’t believe anything I draw anymore, not that you did before.

    I really have no ideas on this issue. And it’s becoming a problem because it’s keeping me from whoring my blog and more specifically my comic out as much as I could be. Damn!

  5. kfugrip’s avatar

    There are no lyrics for “1979 Semi-Finalist” the song because it’s a badass jazz track.

    The Bad Plus… official badasses!

  6. Paul’s avatar

    Hah, don’t I feel like a fool now? 😛

    Will have to check ’em out. Need more jazz in my life.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    They are seriously seriously awesome. I’ve been to very few concerts in my life but The Bad Plus Adam and I have seen live now twice (hopefully a third time in March) and they are always amazing.

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