#67 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Sorry guys. I wouldn’t really say I was as much out of ideas this week as time. I was sick Monday and Tuesday (and another minor back injury – yea!) and then I’ve been doing some work at home, including today, so I had to hurry up and finish this comic and get it up while I had access to a scanner (long story). End of story, it’s rushed and I apologize. But I liked the joke, and we all know that my comics are more about the words than the pictures anyway, so just read it with your eyes closed or something…um, no, that probably won’t work out either.

Also, what do we think of “Rabid Lamb Comics”. It’s an image I’ve always liked, the mean and the sweet tangled together in a gross little picture of, well, probably gross…which is kinda like me when I think about it…mean and sweet, hopefully not gross, although to some probably I’m gross…okay, WAY off topic at this point. Anyway, Adam’s pretty into it, but I’m not sold yet.



  1. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    It’s pretty good, for a non-Adam related title.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Well, while Adam has undoubtedly become the rising star of this comic, and for good reason, let’s face it, I am the only for sure constant of this comic. Adam could leave me tomorrow, I could leave him. I’d hate to have a comic named after an ex I now hate…that would be messy wouldn’t it?…

  3. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Wow. Way to think positive.

    I think I would like to see you take the characters of Adam and Kelly and put them in situations that didn’t actually happen. Maybe they could solve crimes, or go on wacky adventures!

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Well I know it sounds like a downer, but I just think of it as being realistic. I hope for the best, so does Adam, I’m sure most people do, but the reality is that relationships change, life changes, it is the only constant and so I’m naturally hesitant to marry myself to something (so to speak) that not only doesn’t work anymore but makes me sad or angry.

    Adam and I are doing well right now, but 10 months ago…I mean you know, who are we kidding, right? Stuff happens. It’s not meant to be depressing or sad, it’s just meant to be…well to recognize that I have to have things that are all my own that have nothing to do with a relationship…if I’m going to keep doing the strip then it has to be able to evolve with me, since I’m the creator right?…stars come and go… :)

  5. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Rabid Lamb. Implying that you look like a lamb (all soft and cuddly) but you’re really rabid (mean and out for blood)? Seems fitting to me.

  6. kfugrip’s avatar

    Lambs can’t get rabies so there is an ironic element to it and there could be a really cool mascot for the comics too. I’ll draw him/her/it later.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: pretty much that’s it. :)

    Adam: No No No.

    Lambs can totally get rabies! I can’t believe you don’t remember where this joke comes from! This is from years back when you told me lambs/sheep can’t get rabies…and I said, “that makes no sense” did a little research on your best friend the internet and realized that YES of course they can get rabies…you then said you were just kidding. That’s how I came up with the Rabid Lamb name…years ago. I can’t believe you don’t remember this! And where do you keep getting the idea that lambs can’t get rabies…?!

    Regardless, you will totally be drawing my “rabid lamb”

  8. Paul’s avatar

    In my fantasy realm, not only can lambs get rabies but they can produce babies with rabies. Therefore, I approve of the title fully! But no more knock-knock jokes unless you can deliver a true punchline. 😉

  9. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    So the title DOES have to do with Adam! Sneaky.

  10. kfugrip’s avatar

    So, according to Kelly (and partially because of her comments) nobody got the joke. I know that sheep can get rabies. I thought I was being funny when I told you that years ago and I thought it was funny now. So I guess it wasn’t. You can’t win them all.

    I’ll draw the mascot as long as I get no editorial interference. 😉

    I wish my mascot could be Metamorpho the Element Man. Damn copyright laws!

  11. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    No drawing sheep until you draw the dreaded BroSnake, brosnake!

  12. kfugrip’s avatar

    Yo Chucklefuck, I drew you a BroSnake on your Xmas card. It’ll suffice.

  13. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Josh: You’ve figured me out. No matter how hard I try, everything comes back to Adam. I guess 10 years of knowing someone will do that. *SIGH*

    Adam: Baby, I’m sorry you’re not funny to me anymore (and apparently not four years ago either). I guess this relationship is officially over. *SUPER DRAMATIC SIGH*

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