Thank The Gods…

NBC has put a well deserved bullet in Bionic Woman…whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

To answer the question at the end of this short article – “what felled Bionic Woman in the end?” It was absolutely without a doubt the horrible wooden performance of lead actress Michelle Ryan, unless it was her performance combined with the off the charts bad writing…


  1. Seraphine’s avatar

    I’m surprised it got cancelled.
    I didn’t watch it. Normally, if
    I watch a show and really really
    like it, it gets cancelled. It’s like
    they go, “Seraphine likes it, it
    must be bad.” I loved Dead Like
    Me. It got cancelled. :(

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Dead Like Me was great. I try not to get too invested these days either as things I love tend to go to their graves…

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Thank God! The sucky part? I have to wait until FALL for HEROES!!! ARHAGHAGHAGHGHG!!!

  4. Paul’s avatar

    I find it funny that the actress herself was depressed about the ratings of her show. Is it wrong to find that funny?

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