#132 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

As you all know, I’ve talked about my struggle in drawing myself on this blog for the Rabid Lamb strips frequently.  I’ve pretty much hit a wall in that regard, and so for awhile I’m going to be drawing myself like this:

*Objects in comic may be larger (or smaller) than they appear in real life

*Objects have been cartooned up in a happy fun way to make this more enjoyable for the artist

*Artist will be annoyed when confronted with “you don’t look like how you draw yourself in your strip” after having posted this “strip”.  Artist will not engage in a silly debate but will simply point the complainer to this “strip”…Rabid Lamb #132. 

For further documentation, here is a cartoon rendering of a more accurate version of the current me:

And here is a cartoon rendering of how I FEEL these days: 


Finally, in closing, please note that the artist reserves the right to change her mind at anytime and to begin drawing in whatever style she feels like on any given day…

Okay, with all the technical jargon out of our way.  Anyone have good plans for the weekend?  I had dreams of catching up on my writing and drawing, but I got a terrible sore throat last night and am now suffering severe head congestion as well as the sore throat, so basically, I’m just hoping to make it through the day at this point… 


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    This was awesome! Feeling a bit like the blimp at the bottom myself after lunch. Ahh well, the horrors of self-image.

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Oh I’m with you on this! Draw yourself however you deem to be! People are always surprised to find out that my nose is not, in fact, a giant C in real life. They get over it. Mmm Skor bar. I could go for some chocolate right about now…

  3. kfugrip’s avatar

    Hilarious. Sorry you’re sick.

  4. Holly’s avatar

    Sorry you’re under the weather, but you’ve still got your great humor!!!

  5. Holly’s avatar

    p.s. Can you draw a picture of me, but give it boobs?

  6. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    That last one looks like Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka after she eats that chewing gum.

  7. shiv’s avatar

    “violet! you’re turning violet, violet!”

    listen, i love skor bars as much as anyone, but it’s a full-blown obsession with you and josh. you two need rehab.

  8. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: Thanks! Ah self-image, how I hate you.

    Paul: And I’m going to!

    Adam: Thanks babe.

    Holly: Thanks…and that humor…didn’t last long. It was totally gone by Friday night with the chills and fever. As for your picture…on its way!

    jamminjabber: That’s what I was thinking/how I was feeling :)

    shiv: we do need rehab…is that something that exists for skor bars? sign josh and i up.

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