#154 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

And so ends the sequential strip. A bit anti-climatic, like everything with me, I had slightly different intentions throughout the strip, but this is where we ended up based on time (and skill).

Since the sequential strip worked out well though and nobody hated it, I may bring it back. I have an idea for another strip that will take two days I think, so maybe we’ll try the “short sequential strip” next. Thanks for hanging in there.

I still need I.D. and a business card to get to work because my street is blocked off and filled with like 40 cops. This is of course just a minor hassle, but the whole 40 cops thing is frustrating, every time I see them they are literally standing around doing nothing. So I end up feeling A) those are my tax dollars at work? and B) I don’t like having 40 cops just standing around doing nothing as it looks scary and intimidating. While all they seem to want to do is chat at each other and glare at passersby, they all have guns and clubs and shit…it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling.

Also, much like my feeling about airport security, I don’t really believe the street is any safer just because I get carded before coming in. Delivery drivers and even the occasional food delivery guy has been able to make it into our office (and I’m sure others) so that tells me that they are letting plenty of people through with less hassle than they are giving me. People who want to do something wrong, or just want access and are motivated…are not timid, so really, the cops and barricade are only keeping out the most timid of people who would probably never try to get access for the wrong reasons anyway. Security is a sham. I wonder if the cops even buy it.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Well, your face in panel 3 says neutral, but the face in panel 4 says bad.

    Cops? Barricade? Did I miss the news this morning?

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Manic: Since according to the comic I can pick “Eh.” as “good, bad, or neutral” – I’m going to pick “good” and say thanks!

    TK42ONE: Even though it was a day of crazy mixed emotions, in the end the badness outweighed (no pun) the good and I ended up feeling pretty lousy.

    Apparently you missed the news LAST Friday. A crane collapsed on the street I work on, killing two, injuring several, and while they clean up there are tons of cops and barricades on my street. There’s a link to the story on Friday’s comic…

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Ahh. I knew about the crane, just didn’t know you were that close.

  4. Mike’s avatar

    Couple of observations.

    1. I think its way cool you two moved into a Rubix Cube.

    2. Whenever cops gather together like that its for two reasons: to fuck with people and to look at women. I work with enough of them to know.

    3. Those are your tax dollars at work. Be happy those tax dollars rolled out of bed, showed up to their post and are actually capable of communication with other people. Most of the government employees that “serve” you cannot do half of the things I just wrote about.

    4. Cops know better than anyone when assigned horseshit things like this. They hate it, it takes time away from breaking shit and they take that frustration out on people with legitimate business.

    5. this comic needed a panel with you telling Adam you just won $800 on Cash Cab.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: Yeah, my street was closed all week – and so was the closest pharmacy to me. It’s been inconvenient, but I’m lucky I (and nobody I knew) got hurt, so I guess inconvenience isn’t so bad.

    1. The rubix cube is awesome, you should come visit. I like it when it’s all the same color on each side, but neither Adam or I are smart enough to get it that way, so we suffer with the random color patterns.

    2. You work with cops? How do graphic designers and cops intermingle lots? Even as government employees I have trouble picturing this…?

    3. I suppose. I notice as things became less “important” and “serious” all our cops became women. I don’t know whether to be insulted on their behalf or worried about my now obviously jepardized safety at having only women to “protect and serve” me.

    4. Yeah, they didn’t seem happy. Which made me feel even less happy (and safe).

    5. I wanna be on Cash Cab SO bad.

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