Query Update…

Another rejection. Sigh. These things seem to come in groups, so I’m steeling myself for a few more.

This was an official rejection from the smallish literary agency that had a partial of my book (since January). I was optimistic (until recently) on this one because they’re a small house that seemed to have a lot in common with me, and my work, but alas it is not to be. For the record the rejection was quite nice, though it is likely their form rejection as it doesn’t even have “Dear Ms. Thompson” on it. It’s nice that they have a “nice” form rejection, but after two personal emails to me and keeping my 50 page partial for almost five months it would have been nice to get something at least SLIGHTLY personalized.

Oh well, onto the next. Here’s the summary for those keeping track.

#1. Partial Requested and Rejected. Took about seven weeks from receipt of partial. Door left open to submit future work.

#2. Never heard back on regular mail Query. Over six months ago, considered Rejected.

#3. Never heard back on email Query. Almost six months ago, considered Rejected.

#4. Partial Requested and Rejected. Took five months from receipt of partial.

#5. Full Requested. Full Sent. Manuscript sent four months ago. Emailed three weeks ago as follow up, no response as yet.

#6. No response to email query. Almost five months out, considered a Rejection at this point.

#7. Rejection to regular mail query from huge agency, about a ten week turnaround.

#8. Rejected Query, about a 30 hour turnaround.

So, five rejected queries; two rejected partials; one requested full. And no more queries living in oblivion. Time to slam my nose into the grindstone again it seems. Oy.


  1. Paul’s avatar

    Grrr, that stinks. I look up to you though for your perseverance and whatnot. Keep sending ’em out! Someone’s sure to bite…

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Please – I look up to YOU! You’ve got so many publishing credits. I have all these stories and I just sit on them…forever. Nothing gained by not sending them out. I have to find a way to be more efficient in getting stuff out there…like you! But thanks for commiserating with me.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Hah, but you have a novel done, right? That’s waaaay more than me. My attention span doesn’t seem to want to stretch any further than short stories. But either way! Let’s uh…surge forward! ::drinks iced tea::

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