#169 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

That’s right people…the mystery continues. And if Adam and I seem a little “problem solving deficient” I can only say that I hope we offer all our illustrious problem solving skills to our job, thus leaving us a bit brain dead on a Saturday afternoon when forced to deal with our own problems.

Of course, as artists and “creative types” we were never very good at the kind of problem solving that involved “if a bus leaves Chicago traveling at 60 mph…”…or in this case, “If a full two liter of soda was all over your floor an hour ago, and you have four 2-liters that all appear full…” so maybe there was no hope for us anyway.

Tune in Thursday (I hope) for the mysterious conclusion.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    All I could focus on in this strip was Adam’s boobs.

    And I’ll revise my guess by saying it’s something that fell off that New York sized refrigerator.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    I’m so jealous. I think mine are WAY better.

    My NYC sized refrigerator does suck. It’s WAY too small…and very frustrating.

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