#170 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

So there’s the mystery. Solved, sort of. I mean, we know what happened, but I doubt we’ll ever know why. The bottles were not new, and not old, we’d had most of them a little over a week, probably including the one that exploded. It wasn’t a particularly hot day and the bottle didn’t appear faulty or damaged (although it’s kind of hard to determine if something is damaged AFTER it has exploded I guess) so it will remain a mystery. I just hope it never happens again. It scared the crap out of us and after spending almost three hours cleaning the apartment I was treated to another half hour of cleaning up…and then more cleaning up on Sunday…yay!

Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend, this will be the last comic this week as I’ll be out of town Thursday night and Friday for work and unable to post. Also, I added up how many hours I’ve worked so far this week…and between Sunday and Wednesday when I got home (very late – or very early depending on how you look at it) and I’ve worked 49 hours this week…and I still have Thursday and Friday to go. Yikes. Suffice to say I’m worn out. Also, it’s my birthday this weekend, so I just kinda don’t feel like forcing myself to draw comics…you mind?

I’ll be back Monday though in full not funny, not talented force…and one year older. Yay again. whoo.


  1. Rebecca Hahn’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Kelly! I hope your weekend is great. I know you haven’t had much luck with that – great weekends. That’s my b-day wish for you… and hopefully a phone call soon. Miss you!

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Ah, mystery solved! And your prize is…cleaning. Blargh. Well, enjoy the weekend and I won’t be around on Saturday since my vacation starts then so I’m gonna wish you a happy birthday RIGHT NOW. Mmm, hope it’s a good one and that Adam pops out of a cake in the nude or something! Wait. Scratch that. I hope you get lots and lots of books! That’d be a good birthday!

  3. filarial’s avatar

    Hey wish you a happy bday!..:)

  4. theyetiinside’s avatar

    The strangest thing in this vein that ever happened to me was during my sophomore year of college. We, four good friends, were moving into a town home and we took half of one person’s stuff up to his empty room. On the second trip up, but not the first, we saw a set of pictures lying in the middle of the floor. They were not there on the first trip. These were no regular pictures they had an…adult…quality to them…if you get my drift…and I think you do.

    Anyway, when I get to the pearly gates that I don’t believe in I will ask one question before they reject me: How the fuck did those pictures get there in the middle of an empty room?

    End of story.

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