
    4 days of staying up REALLY late at work

+ 2 days of work travel

+ a birthday

=  Kelly, sick as a dog.  Yet again.  I don’t know what the hell is going on with my body, but I have another Flu/Cold thing that includes everything from head congestion to fever and body aches. 

This also equals, no comic today…sorry guys.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    No worries. I’ll envision you with doggie ears retching in the toilet until you get better.

    But this time, stay better.

  2. Rebecca Hahn’s avatar

    Awww, hope you feel better soon. Hope you weren’t sick on your b-day!

  3. kfugrip’s avatar

    I always hated math.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: very little retching…more like head congestion, fever, body aches, and chills…which, though horrible, is generally better than retching.

    Rebecca: Thanks gorgeous – and I was sick on my b-day – though not till the end of it. I’ve clearly angered some gods somewhere out there!

    Adam: Ditto

  5. Paul’s avatar

    Math blows! HAPPY BELATED!!! :)

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Thanks Paul – hope your vacation was excellent!

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