#177 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

That’s right.  Totally Fucked Up.  Why do psychics hate me?  We may never know…though if I could stomach the results (more predictions of curses and lifelong bad karma to work off) I would probably embark on a study of psychics to find out if they all hate me, or if there is some kind of pattern or grand conspiracy here…I could even make a fancy excel spreadsheet to chart my results.  Good times!

Also, though my drawing has been crappy lately, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of my head (which looks nothing like me) in panel four.  It’s like one of my favorite things I’ve drawn for this strip (which isn’t saying much).  Go me!


  1. kfugrip’s avatar

    Why aren’t you getting any comments on this strip? I like it. It’s interesting with some good cartooning.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    I don’t know. :( Maybe they’re sick of the talking heads. Maybe they’re busy like me? Maybe they’ve sensed my lack of committment and enthusiasm for the strip lately. :(

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