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That’s right…anyone here think I was Henry the eighth in a previous life?  I certainly hope not as his karmic debt is freaking intense man.  Life thus far though, as far as awesome rewards go?  I could have totally been Henry…oy.

That’s right.  Totally Fucked Up.  Why do psychics hate me?  We may never know…though if I could stomach the results (more predictions of curses and lifelong bad karma to work off) I would probably embark on a study of psychics to find out if they all hate me, or if there is some kind of pattern or grand conspiracy here…I could even make a fancy excel spreadsheet to chart my results.  Good times!

Also, though my drawing has been crappy lately, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of my head (which looks nothing like me) in panel four.  It’s like one of my favorite things I’ve drawn for this strip (which isn’t saying much).  Go me!

Seriously.  WTF?

Wow.  A very rushed weekend filled with way too much work from…well, work.  Plus it was my last weekend to get my life in order before Hawaii, and I utterly failed at that, so it’s going to be an interesting week ramping up to that.  Wish me luck. 

Also, Thursday is the one year anniversary of 1979 Semi-Finalist…which seems kind of crazy…I can’t believe a year has passed since I started doing this.  Wild. 

I hope you all had a good weekend.  I saw Hancock on Sunday and it was pretty good, a solid three stars.  It kind of fell apart at the end but overall it was funny and engaging and likeable, and with the exception of some really great ones, better than most superhero movies…and ironically it isn’t based on a comic book…funny.

That’s right…so the question really is, do psychics hate me? Or did I just look the most gullible of the three roommates…with my braids and platinum blonde hair?

Stay tuned for more of this torrid (not the right word – it just sounds good) tale.

Also, here’s a question, pretty related to this comic, and to my “existing conditions”…Why do people totally suck?  I am so sick of sucky people.  Especially when I’m pretty nice.  I mean I’m not all sugary sweet and perfect or anything, but I’m really a pretty damn nice person.  And some people around me…they really blow.

WHOA! As promised…two comics in one day. Don’t spend it all in one place now y’hear?

(That was a whole country…maybe even backwoods thing I was doing there…which I now wish I could take back…what can I say, it’s been a long day and I’m a little punchy…)

So I’ve got to go out of town again, thus you’re getting TWO comics (count them TWO!) today (Wednesday) and no comic tomorrow.

I should be back and posting by Friday though, so don’t forget to check back in for the continuation of this riveting story (riveting. ha!)

PS – I got a great comment from a friend about giving myself braids to portray “young kelly”…I’m glad this worked out funny…but I’m not really that funny…just kind of trying to be accurate, I did often wear braids and bizarre fun hair “styles” in my college years…also, I was what Adam refers to as “frumpy” back then (which basically – I think- means I didn’t wear clingy low cut clothing – like I do today – and I wore my hair in braids and things) so I was mostly just trying to be “accurate” but anytime that can work out as “funny” I’m all for it!

That’s right, tune in tomorrow for the woman’s (now seemingly) sage words…