#173 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

So I’ve got to go out of town again, thus you’re getting TWO comics (count them TWO!) today (Wednesday) and no comic tomorrow.

I should be back and posting by Friday though, so don’t forget to check back in for the continuation of this riveting story (riveting. ha!)

PS – I got a great comment from a friend about giving myself braids to portray “young kelly”…I’m glad this worked out funny…but I’m not really that funny…just kind of trying to be accurate, I did often wear braids and bizarre fun hair “styles” in my college years…also, I was what Adam refers to as “frumpy” back then (which basically – I think- means I didn’t wear clingy low cut clothing – like I do today – and I wore my hair in braids and things) so I was mostly just trying to be “accurate” but anytime that can work out as “funny” I’m all for it!