Womanthology News!

So a few pieces of news relating to Womanthology (and yours truly).

First of all, Womanthology is at over $62,000, with 18+ days still to go.  If you haven’t donated yet, get on over there!

Secondly, I will have a four page story in volume one, with art by the absolutely sublimely talented Stephanie Hans, so if you weren’t already interested, aren’t you NOW?  :)

Lastly, I was interviewed, along with mastermind Renae De Liz and editor/artist Jessica Hickman for a Publishers Weekly article about Womanthology for an article that came out on Monday, so check that out too.

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive through all of this, it’s pretty damn exciting.

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  1. Brendan T’s avatar

    Well, that gives me one more reason to be excited about this. But I mean, this thing quite literally had my money from day one. It’s everything I wanted, which is basically Girl Comics without the stupid fucking name.

    Congratulations. Can’t wait to read it. :)

  2. ross’s avatar

    so exciting!!!!
    wow, $62,000 and counting, so mind-boggling (almost typed mind-blogging) that it happened so fast.

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