Womanthology Preview – SuperLess Hero

The Womanthology Tumblr is doing some wonderful previews of the book.  And today Stephanie Hans and my story, SuperLess Hero went up.  Head on over to see the first two pages!  And keep going back to see more as pages continue to go up.

Also, I’m pretty sure SuperLess Hero is the first story in the book…which is pretty damn awesome.

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  1. Karen Mahoney’s avatar

    This looks AMAZING! I love Stephanie Hans, how cool that you worked with her. I can’t wait for my copy of Womanthology to arrive… Congratulations! :)


  2. maverickman874’s avatar

    Congrats !

  3. Keith Bowden’s avatar

    This looks great! Eagerly awaiting the finished book!

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar


    Thanks so much guys. I can’t even express how fortunate I feel that my first ever story was drawn by Stephanie Hans…does it get better? She absolute killed those pages and I feel so lucky. :)

  5. zammael’s avatar

    I’m buying a copy!

    I did attend the womanthology panel @ Comikaze last month. Very invigorating, and inspiring for my own project, which does feature a bad ass goddess as the main protagonist. :)

  6. Skye’s avatar

    I’m so excited about the book that I can’t stand to see any previews lest I get more excited! I ordered it when it showed up in previews and my LCS hadn’t heard about it, so I talked it up and they were pumped to order some extra copies for the shelves. Yay!

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