#109 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Sorry for the late posting…I’ve been ill, probably due to overwork and have taken a much needed day off/sick day and I was sleeping in. I’ve been working my regular work schedule plus going home early on Thursdays and working late from home and then working all day at home on Fridays trying to meet Monday draft deadlines for a web design thing for my office. There is ALWAYS way more work than I think there will be however, and so for the last three or four weekends that has meant working Saturday and Sunday as well…usually a minimum of eight hours each day. It it is totally killing me. And Adam is none to happy either. The side effects, in order of importance are:

1. I am an incredible exhausted grouchy-pants most (all) of the time.

2. I spend almost no pure/good/fun downtime with Adam unless it is scheduled (The Bad Plus show for example).

3. My body is so sick of sitting at my desk and staring at a computer screen that I wouldn’t sit at my desk/computer to do my own writing and comics if you threatened me with my greatest fears. Thus, no writing and the bare minimum of comics have been done over the last month.

The good news is, the project is looking good, and thankfully drawing to a close. I optimistically predict there will be less than eight hours of work this coming weekend and I hope to maybe take next Monday off as well, to offset the horror.

This must be the tiniest taste of what tax accountants experience every winter/spring. Suffice to say I will not be switching over to that field…


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Welcome to the party! I’d come over and commiserate with you but my leash (the headset to my phone) isn’t that long.

    But, I did get a wonderful (and painful) comment from my wife last night.

    “I think this is the most I’ve seen you during any tax season.”

    Add kids to the mix and let’s just say the past 5 years have been hard. But this year I took on the task of making schedules for everyone on my team. While a pain in the arse, I was able to work it out that everyone got to work 8 hour days (well, 9 but with an hour lunch) plus one day on the weekend. Something unheard of in our field.

    Suffice it to say, I feel your pain. Well, most of it. This year has been pretty nice thanks to my higher level (not on the phones all the time) and more staff. But it still sucks.

    Ever wonder what color “grouchy pants” are? I figured they were a dingy green like Oscar.

  2. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Chinkity Clink?

    My dad was a Chinese prison guard, and I take offense at that.

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: It sounds like you’ve made your hell time of year much more workable for both you and your team – hopefully you are beloved for it.

    I don’t know what color grouchy pants really are or should be, but almost all my pants are black…so I guess my grouchy pants are black too.

    jamminjabber: Of course you do.

    Actually, I did think that it was inadvertantly a bit offensive as I wrote it, but though, surely nobody will swing at that pitch. Silly me I forgot you were reading :)

  4. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    It’s how my mind works.

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