So, instead of having to go through the horrible process of sending out massive amounts of query letters to agents for my novel (and likely receiving massive amounts of rejections) I got incredibly lucky and had two excellent agents from big agencies competing for my book over the last week.
I’m not going to go into specifics here for a variety of reasons but basically one agent came to me via a query I actually sent last year (long crazy story that worked out beautifully) and one agent came to me through a connection. It was a brutal decision (one I never imagined I’d have to make) deciding between these two fantastic individuals, but I finally did make a decision this week and I’m proud to say that I’m officially working exclusively with one of the agents on my book.
We’ll be doing revisions for the foreseeable future – I have no idea how long, but I hope I can get it done quickly so we can continue moving forward – but I thought you’d all like to know about this great moment of happiness and success in the deluge that is usually REJECTION!
Please pause of a moment of pure happiness:
Now if only I can get some of these damn short fiction pieces published. In fact, just to keep my ego in check…let’s do a status update on those. It’s not looking pretty folks…
Phase III Updated Stats: 6 of 10 Rejected. 4 still out there.
Sidenote: this is tagged ‘champagne’ because I will be drinking an entire bottle of it on my own tonight. Whee!