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Some gorgeous covers this week.

Terry Moore’s Rachel Rising #2:

Steve Morris’ Angel & Faith #2:

Ryan Sook’s Justice League Dark #1:

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Woo! Comics!  Check out this awesome Valkyrie shit from Kev Walker and Secret Avengers #17 this week:

Last week a page of Wonder Woman awesomeness, now Valkyrie…who will it be next week?!

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Any surprise that panel of the week is from Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman #1?  No, no there is not!

Look at this page!!!

Gods sometimes comics are so awesome:

A few gems from this week…

Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman #1

And how about this cover, which was an early version by Cliff Chiang that wasn’t used, I like EVEN BETTER.  I mean…Wonder Woman with an awesome battle ax?!  YES.

via dcwomenkickingass

This is a great illustration for Legion of Super-Heroes #1, and a great example of how to do “floating figures” well…by integrating them into the design so that they’re not actually floating.

Marcos Martin continues to absolutely kill these Daredevil covers.

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Some of you may have noticed that there was no Panel of the Week last week…the simple reason for that is because there is no way for me to scan basically the entirety of J.H. Williams III’s Batwoman #1.

And I just can’t pick one.  It’s too hard.  It’s like…NOBODY could make that decision.

Check out a few preview pages below so that you can understand the dilemma!

(click to enbiggen!)

via Hadenblackman


It’s an easy win this week for J.H. Williams III’s long-awaited Batwoman #1:

But there were some very nice offerings this week beyond Batwoman, so some runner ups!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #1 Variant by Steve Morris:

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #1 Variant by Jo Chen:

Mr. Terrific #1 by J.G. Jones:

And Pigs #1 by Jock.  All #1’s…INNNNTERESSSSSTING.



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I love Jim Cheung’s art, dude is a straight up badass.  But what on the motherfuckingplanet is the excuse for this crap with Rogue’s costume?  I mean…it’s just ABSURD.

The “Rogue costume problem” which went on for so long over the past year, has largely stopped.  I haven’t seen her unzipped, or at least not to unreasonable levels for a very long time.  So where THE HELL does this come from?  Man, this kind of silly crap makes me so frustrated with comics.

C’mon Mr. Cheung, you are SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.  What happened?!?!?

From CBR

Also, I thanked Derek in the tweet about this post for the heads up, but didn’t do so in the actual post.  Apologies Derek and thanks for the heads up!


I don’t know if there were really that many great covers this week, or if I’m just feeling indecisive…but I have a bunch this week.  Ironically in DC’s big first “52” week, only one of their covers makes my list:

Wolverine: Debt of Death by David Aja and Elizabeth Breitweizer:

Casanova: Avaritia #1 by Gabriel Ba:

The Punisher #3 by Brian Hitch:

Red Skull #3 by David Aja:

Animal Man #1 by Travel Foreman:

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It’s a Secret Avengers kinda week around 1979 Semi-Finalist this week, what can I say?!

The following are panels I just could not decide between from Warren Ellis and Jamie McKelvie’s wonderful Secret Avengers #16:

Look at their faces! So great. Click to enbiggen!

Don't worry...Hank apologizes later.



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So it’s not TECHNICALLY a flying car, but it’s still 100% badass.  I want Jamie McKelvie to draw like 82% of my comics.

Jamie McKelvie’s Secret Avengers #16:

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