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Cass Cain vs Shiva in Batgirl #25

DC Women Kicking Ass has been running a fantastic series of posts spotlighting the top moments from her poll last month for “most memorable moments for the women of the DCU” and in anticipation of upcoming voting for the top moments of the last 75 years of DC Comics.

It’s a great idea to spotlight these moments in such a way and with the guest writers on board – it’s quite a sight – so far comics badasses Greg Rucka, Gail Simone, Phil Jimenez, Mike Madrid and Bryan Q. Miller among other great writers and bloggers have contributed.

It’s a rare treat to see creators writing passionately about these characters and moments.

As of today we’re on moment #11, and you should really check out the series.  I’d say you should take a look because yours truly wrote about moment #10 – the defeat of Shiva by Cassandra Cain in Batgirl #25 – but with talents like Rucka, Simone, and Miller on board, well, I think we all know who the A-listers are! 😉

But I was honored to particpate and urge you to read about all these wonderful women and wonderful moments.

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Head on over to Comics Should Be Good and check out the latest She Has No Head! – a look at part two of my 20 Favorite Female Comics Creators!

Kate Beaton's sassy and surly Wonder Woman

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Well, make that PAGE of the week.  And if you think I’m having trouble editing myself, know that I could have easily scanned pretty much the entire issue of Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3 and put it up for contention.  Great, great issue.  Kate Beaton knocked it out of the park (twice!) in her funny pieces, and everyone else brought their A game as well…but I couldn’t resist this page from Eduardo Medeiros’ piece (with an assist by Judy Leheup).  I tip my hat to you sir…awesome stuff.

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Easy win this week for Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3.  A bunch of hilarious giant headed Ivan Brunetti superheroes at the gym (and Spider-Man playing raquetball!) who can beat that?  Nobody, that’s who!

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That’s right, for my 20 Favorite Female Comics Creators of 2010, part one post, Jezebel has reprinted the article. Woo!

Part two will be up on Jezebel next Monday (as well as on CSBG via my She Has No Head! column, as usual at noon eastern).

So check it out everyone…as I’m such a huge fan of Jezebel this is very cool…in fact I’m trying not to squee myself out of my chair.

And thanks for the opportunity Jezebel!


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This is, yet again, a bit of a cheat as it’s actually four panels…but in order to get the joke/feel I think you need them all.  This is from Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen’s New Avengers #7, which was filled with hilarious bits this week, including this excerpt which is about the Avengers talking about getting a paycheck and specifically Spider-Man realizing he can’t get one because he’s the only one that still has a secret identity and that the government can’t issue him a check.  I DO love Bendis’ Spider-Man…it always makes me think I should actually be reading Spider-Man.  Look at that gorgeous Stuart Immonen art…so fucking good!

click to enlarge

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A new She Has No Head! is up.  Part one of a two part look at 20 of my favorite female comics creators of 2010.  Check it out!

Lucy Knisley's Wonder Women

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Easy win for me this week to give it to Brian Wood’s Northlanders #35 illustrated by Massimo Carnevale.  Haunting and beautiful.  Love all the white.

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Me: Hey comics?

Comics: Yeah?

Me: Skottie Young wiped the floor with you all this week.

Comics: Nu-uh!

Me: Yeah-uh.  Wanna see?

*shows all the other comics she bought, the cover to the completely awesome Ozma of Oz #2*

Comics: Oh.

Me: Yeah.

So yeah…the winner…in a massive TKO…no fucking contest…Skottie Young’s perfect Ozma of Oz #2 cover:

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Some good stuff this week, but much like cover of the week…nobody could compete with J.H. Williams and Amy Reeder on Batwoman #0.  That said, because of the way it was structured and drawn, it was almost impossible to pick a single panel…so you’re getting a whole page.  Enjoy!

Also, check out my review of Batwoman #0 on She Has No Head – as well as our discussion of Batwoman #0 on our second episode of 3 Chicks Review Comics, which goes up today at 2pm on Comics Should Be Good.

Click to enlarge!

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