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This one is true too…he was actually already in his jeans by the time I caught him, but the idea of drawing someone putting on jeans made me want to hurl…thus you get a pair of socks in his hand.  I sometimes want to be Adam because when he sleeps it is just like the world is dead to him…yeah, it’s like the blissful sleep of the dead…however, I don’t want people chuckling at me at 3:00am (even if it is in love) so perhaps I’m better off as the light sleeper and he’s better off as the heavy sleeper…since he doesn’t seem to care about anything except getting back in the bed.  I should start an ongoing series called “Nocturnal Adam” or something…


This was so great.  One of the cutest things ever.  Unfortunately Adam almost never remembers his dreams, so we’ll probably never know what he’s laughing about in there…

Three times in my life I have submitted a letter (of praise, complaint, or just straight sarcasm) to legitimate publications, all three letters have been printed…including the third which I didn’t even intend for print (e.g. I sent it directly to a magazine’s writer with no thought that it would end up printed). 

My letters, in order of appearance are, at the age of about 17 I wrote a letter to the X-men comic book…I think my letter appeared in issue number #53 and it was basically a super geeky praise of what was going on in the book and a few geeky questions.  I was delighted to see myself in print. 

Cut to 14 years later and I write my second letter to the publication Time Out New York, a sarcastic somwhat bitchy three line email, which won their letter of the week (and won me a book of my choice as a prize…read more about that publication here). 

Now, less than two months later I emailed writer Julia Allison directly about a column of hers that I found promising, but ultimately a huge let down.  You can read her column about women waiting too long to say ‘I love you’ here.  I’ve pasted my published letter below, for your viewing pleasure.  Please note that the letter they printed was heavily edited, at least one whole paragraph being cut, but I’m glad, as it was a somewhat personal paragraph about my relationship, something I would not really have wanted to see in print but again, I didn’t really think I was submitting this letter for print, I guess I’ve learned you should always be prepared for it.  Fortunately, I still feel the letter is well written and represents pretty accurately what I was trying to say, even with the edits. 

So what have we all learned here today?  Apparently my superpower is to bitch, whine, and praise my way into useless letters columns everywhere…Yea!!!  I will try to use this power for good and not evil…

Love Story

“I pretty much agreed with Julia Allison for her whole “When ‘I love you’ Comes Too Late” column [Seek TONY 633] but then she surprised me by undoing everything she was talking about with this sentence:  “There are some guidelines:  If you love someone and don’t say it after dating for six months, you probably should.”  I guess I just feel like this is really bad advice to come in such an absolute sentence. 

Six months in one relationship can be a really long time, and for another it’s really not enough to know for sure that you love someone and should say it.  For so many women, myself included, relationships (and life) become about looking for the next thing to check off the list: get boyfriend, check.  Get him to say he loves me, check.  Get us to move in together, check.  What do you do when you run out of things to check off that list, which you’ve been told by society is so all important, and you didn’t bother to enjoy much of it because you were too busy looking for the next item to check off? 

I think we’d all be better off following our instincts and the organic process that is life and love.”

If you have been enjoying my “Civ. 4” Comics you should take a stroll over to McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and read the hilarious new short titled, “Halo 3 Cheat Codes, As Explained By Neglected Girlfriend, Janet Iverson” by Andrew Kiraly.  The only thing wrong with this piece is that it was brilliant AND written by a man…not that men can’t write brilliant things, they do, all the time, however my happiness was put on pause a bit when I realized that a woman didn’t write it.  After adjusting to the information however I have to say, good work Andrew, even more impressive that you, a man, wrote this.  You more than any man alive, must understand the Halo v. Girlfriend dilemma. 


I should point out that while Adam is not above making a snide remark, as evidenced in today’s cartoon, he was also very concerned about me being too cold and many times offered me his jacket, despite the fact that I apparently thought I was above wearing my own.  In the end we were walking enough that I didn’t really freeze, but it was definitely a mistake.  The weather here has been all over the place…totally unpredictable…though I enjoy fall (my favorite season) and generally enjoy at least the first half of winter, I’m not loving the 60+ degree afternoons followed by 40 degree walks home a few hours later.  On top of everything else it makes it impossible to plan a wardrobe.   


Okay, I’m going to post daily again this week.  I admit however, that I enjoyed this much less this weekend (though I got farther) and I also did almost no writing…so I’m not sure drawing these silly little comics (that I’m not enjoying as much now) is actually time better spent than on other things.  It’s certainly better spent if it’s instead of TV watching or random internet surfing, but if it’s instead of writing…and maybe even reading…I’m not sure it’s worth it.  Maybe I’ll feel differently by Friday…we’ll see.

Anybody do anything great this weekend?  I saw No Country For Old Men…it was AMAZING.  So good.  The only negative, without giving anything away, was that I felt a bit ripped off in the “showdown” with Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. They were both so amazing and there was such an intense lead up to those confrontations…I have to admit feeling a bit robbed, otherwise a pefect film.

As I’ve mentioned before, Adam is a far superior cartoonist and artist than I am, and he’s been proving it in spades lately as he’s been sketching a lot more these days (I’m not sure who is influencing who at this point, but as long as we’re both more productive, who cares). Below is a little sketch he did of me called Kelly Bunny. It’s a great little drawing (and he was very nice to me, representationally speaking) and he agreed to let me put it up. I’ve been begging for weeks months for him to add comic strip or cartoon content to my blog…so I’ll take what I can get, which in this case, was great.



I had to take a few liberties with this one, because while he did wake me up talking in his sleep about Civ. 4, it wasn’t anything as simple as “Aluminum”.  He talked about aluminum and his need to get it, or have it, or invent it or whatever, when he was fully conscious earlier in the week.  Clearly I was really listening to him too. 

Anyway, the days of Civ. 4 are coming to a close as Adam worked a freelance day yesterday and also found out yesterday that he got a new job – starts Monday!  Congratulations to Adam…there’s not much work out there with the writer’s strike on, but any work he can get before things fully shut down is really good news, because it’s looking like this thing could go on for quite a while.  And we will be poorer than ever.  :(

Sidenote:  We fully support the writer’s strike.  The production Adam is working on could get stopped at anytime because of the strike, but currently they already have finished scripts, so they can at least start production…or at least that’s my understanding of it. 

The drawing on this one is a little uneven (well even more uneven than usual)…especially in the first two panels…I tried a new technique…it didn’t work…what can I say?



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