brett ratner

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“Most of the great graphic novels are gone, and ‘Youngblood‘ is one of the few comic books left with tentpole potential,” Ratner said.

This from a CBR story that Youngblood has been acquired for Brett Ratner to direct for mid-six figures.

I can’t even begin to take apart Ratner’s statement because it’s so ridiculous.  Also, anyone that knows ANYTHING about comics and graphic novels can tell you he doesn’t know a god damn thing about comics based on this sentence.  Which kind of explains the whole X3 nightmare.

I guess the silver lining in all of this is that Youngblood sucks pretty hard already and Ratner sucks the biggest amount possible, so they’re kind of a match made in heaven.  Since Ratner’s goal in life seems to be going around ruining awesome stuff (again – the X Franchise, among other things) then I’d rather he’s kept busy on something that kind of sucks to begin with.  As Adam put it when he brought my attention to this article – “a perfect storm of suck”.  Well said Adam, well said.


i’m happy to report that someone found this blog with the search terms “BRETT RATNER HACK” (and all in caps).  it’s good to know that other people have put these words together and are actively seeking out further information.  go world!

here is a quick list of Ratner’s unforgivable directing sins against the people of the world (and is it any coincidence his last name has the word RAT in it?  i think not:

Rush Hour, The Family Man, Rush Hour 2, Red Dragon, X-Men: The Last Stand (for this i could kill the man); and let’s not forget Rush Hour 3 (whoo-hooo!). 

i mean are you kidding me?  how is it this guy gets hired for anything?  this is your list of credits?  i gracefully left off Money Talks and After the Sunset as i have not seen enough of either to judge – but i’m confident they suck as well.  how does one even go about destorying franchises already so carefully built?  well okay, only one franchise, but whatever. 

sidenote:  as karmic payback for my HACK posts, when my book is no doubt optioned by hollywood someday (blessing or curse?) i’m sure Brett Ratner will direct my precious baby into Rush Hour 3 ridiculousness…oy.

…is not on this blog, but i’m going to link to it…

let me first preface this link by saying that Brett Ratner is the definition of a hack.  seriously, if you go to my dictionary, under the word hack it says Brett Ratner and there is a little picture.  yes, i wrote it in and drew a cartoon of him in sharpie on the page, but still, i’d trust it.  someday all your dictionaries will be as advanced as mine.  in the meantime, you can read this absolutely hilarious bit from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency:

ps: McCarthy’s The Road was the best book i’ve read so far this year.  if you haven’t read it yet, read it now, even though if you a buy a copy now it has that tell tale Oprah sticker on it, which annoys the hell out of me.  it’s still worth it.