It’s coming my little lambs…be patient.
Lots of books this week, and due to the holiday, they came a day late…post should be up late tonight, early tomorrow at latest.
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It’s coming my little lambs…be patient.
Lots of books this week, and due to the holiday, they came a day late…post should be up late tonight, early tomorrow at latest.
Kate Beaton’s Hark A Vagrant! has a new batch of awesome strips up. Check it out.
Also, Beaton rarely ever sells original art, but she has work available today via Web-Comics Auction For The Gulf. It will be her ALSO awesome Aquaman. Take a look (and click to enlarge):
As if I needed further proof that Cliff Chiang IS the perfect Birds of Prey artist, I came across this awesome Chiang Black Canary drawing. Oh to live in a world where Chiang draws BoP…so delicious…
A new SHE HAS NO HEAD! is up, a detailed review of Wonder Woman #600. And yes, I talk a bit about the costume. Woo!
To all my American readers…here’s a “classic” Wonder Woman 5 Minute Marvel sketch I did for Grace’s birthday. What says “go America” more than stars on the ass of your swimsuit? Happy 4th!
The following is a selection of comics released this week (6/30/10)* that focus heavily on women in comics – whether that be characters, creators, or even readers.
The books are rated as BUY, TRADEWAIT, or SKIP.
*It should be noted that this list will focus on North American/English releases as that’s mostly what I have access to. Additionally, as I am in general unfamiliar with Manga, I will not be including Manga titles in my lists. For some great reviews and discussion of Manga titles I urge you to check out Danielle Leigh on CSBG.
First off…Last week I should have mentioned Neil Young’s Greendale, the graphic novel by Joshua Dysart, Cliff Chiang, and Dave Stewart, which is excellent and most certainly a BUY. You can read a more detailed post about it and a preview, here.
Also, I was unable to pick up The Last Unicorn #2 this week. I suspect, based on The Last Unicorn #1 (and that incredible cover), that I’ll be marking that one as a buy…but we’ll have to wait for next week. My shop also didn’t have a copy of Ghost Projekt #3, which I’ve been enjoying and also suspect will be a buy…so expect that review and rating next week as well.
HERALDS #5 (of 5). Kathryn Immonen (writer). Tonci Zonjic and James Harren (art). Nathan Fairbairn and Antonio Fabela (colors). Jelena Djurdjevic (cover). Marve. 32 pages. $2.99
While I’m still a big fan of this mini-series, and it was some of the most fun I’ve had reading comics in a long while, I have to admit that the beginning was stronger than the ending. The first issue has such great humor and fun, but as we delved deeper into Nova/Frankie Ray/Frances the story became a bit unclear…especially for those of us that weren’t completely familiar with the story of Nova/Frankie Ray to begin with. Generally I feel a mini-series needs to be able to stand on its own, and I’m sure many readers would be left with a lot of questions here…and not the good ‘what happens next’ kind (although we do get to wonder that as well). Additionally, this issue is the weakest from an art perspective. Though Zonjic has more of the book and it’s excellent, some of Harren’s pages made it really hard to tell the ladies apart and made for some confusing reading. Also, though I am loathe to admit this, because I LOVE the cast, I think there were just too many awesome people in this book and the end result was that while it was a lot of fun, I didn’t care that much about Frances and her fate, so the necessary punch at the end is really missing. Too bad. I still rate this as a BUY for fun value alone, and if you haven’t been picking it up, I’d recommend getting the trade when it’s released. It’s not a perfect book, but it’s unlike almost anything on the shelves by the big two these days…and I support that and encourage it.
I stand by my desire to have an ongoing Heralds book helmed by Immonen and Zonjic. With either this cast, or a rotating cast of ladies…I don’t care. I think Immonen and Zonjic could deliver a monthly book that I’d adore. I certainly would buy (and blog) the hell out of it if this was a taste of what it could be.
Here’s what this series is about, if you’re curious!
So we’re at Z…we’re all done. And don’t listen to Ross who will tell you that a bunch of letters were missing…he’s crazy…he doesn’t know how to spell…I mean who really NEEDS A, E, H, I, T, V, X, or Y? Especially when you have two D’s and two R’s…BABIES that’s who!
Today: Zealot aka Lady Zannah of Khera
I mean I’m torn…do I want Diana out of her super impractical strapless swimsuit bustier? Of course I do. Do I want her to be in some cheesy garish 90’s jacket/pants/bustier combo that has no lasting iconic imagery? No…no I do not. I’m all for having Diana a bit more covered up and practical…but this is a swing and a miss for me.
Read more and get fan reactions on CSBG. And the original DC Source Blog Post.
I wish DC would have pitched this to Project Runway. They already did some great Wonder Woman designs when it was just for fun, imagine the response they would have gotten if DC was genuinely looking for a re-design.
Also…Corey Walker probably could have done this in his sleep. He’s done about 154 Supergirl designs over the last year or so and most of them are fantastic.
I mean…from an iconic standpoint how does it compare to something like Batman…? Wonder Woman deserves more. I’m bummed out. In fairness, I think DC is trying…I just think this is a failure that should have been left on the drawing room floor. I don’t suppose this means the new #600 JMS reboot (which releases Wednesday) is doomed…but it certainly doesn’t bode well for me at least and I was pretty hesitant to begin with. Le sigh. Another day in comics.
Here’s what this series is about, if you’re curious!
Today: Wonder Woman! aka Diana of Themyscira aka Diana Prince
A new SHE HAS NO HEAD! is up. A special birthday post of 12 comics related things I want in order to bend the universe to my will…Check it out!