A list of 10 Webcomics I love and why on today’s SHE HAS NO HEAD. Check it out!
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So back in April I went to the Drink & Draw Like A Lady Event in New York kicking off MoCCA Fest, and met a bunch of wonderful ladies. I didn’t have business cards at the time, nor anything significant to pass out, since I’d only decided I was going a couple days before the event. So like any crazy person with a shitty printer might do, I decided to make some original cards. I picked a female comic character for each letter of the alphabet and then just went crazy.
It worked well enough for my purposes and I gave away a lot of cards (though I definitely need to get business cards for the future) but since there’s so little drawing on this blog lately (and I miss it) I thought I’d share some of the better ones I did for the event here.
Keep in mind that these were all very quickly done, I’d say less than 10 minutes spent on each card…we’ll start at the beginning…or as close to it as I can (my Atom Eve turned out horribly).
Today: Black Canary aka Dinah Lance
The following is a selection of comics released this week (6/9/10)* that focus heavily on women in comics – whether that be characters, creators, or even readers.
The books are rated as BUY, TRADEWAIT, or SKIP.
*It should be noted that this list will focus on North American/English releases as that’s mostly what I have access to. Additionally, as I am in general unfamiliar with Manga, I will not be including Manga titles in my lists. For some great reviews and discussion of Manga titles I urge you to check out Danielle Leigh on CSBG.
AVENGERS ACADEMY #1. Christos Gage (writer). Mike McKone (art). Jeromy Cox (colors). Marvel. 40 pages. $3.99. 22-pages of story, a very weak 6-page character bio section, and a 2-page Marvel/Gage interview.
Unfortunately this was a bit of a let down to me and didn’t live up to the preview pages (which I was really excited about). The character work – and I know it’s a lot of new characters to introduce and so that’s challenging – but it’s not very strong except for with Veil/Maddy and in that same vein I just think Gage tried to do too much in to short a time with the story. McKone’s art is lovely, but the storytelling/pacing/expressions are pretty weak. Again, I thought the storytelling was really solid in the first 6-ish pages but it falls of considerably as the issue progresses. Also…I talk about “swimsuit” costumes for female superheroes a lot here and on She Has No Head!, but nobody has Tigra beat in the “swimsuit category”…is this really necessary? A string bikini is really her costume? Seems ridiculous and dated and…did I say ridiculous? It’s nice to see all three new female leads appropriately dressed, but it sucks that their teacher looks like she’s headed to a beach. Anyway, I was much less excited about this today than I was last week. Bummer. I’m still going to give it a few more issues to improve, but for now I can’t rank it any higher than a TRADEWAIT.
Wow. Thanks to following James Jean on twitter (@processrecess) I saw this pretty amazing Fables commercial that’s apparently been running on BBC America. James Jean’s visuals are somehow even more badass in this format, which is…unexpected.
You can also watch it here on the Vertigo website.
And if you don’t know about James Jean…WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Learn more now. Even though he’s largely moved away from more commercial work toward fine art, and sadly no longer does the Fables covers, he’s still one of the most amazing artists working today.
And if you don’t know about Fables…WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Learn more now. And here’s a cool list I did for She Has No Head! about Ten Women Of Fables.
New SHE HAS NO HEAD! – a review of Kathryn Immonen and Tonci Zonjic’s Heralds #1 is up.
Emma Frost, Monica Rambeau, Hellcat, She-Hulk, Abigail Brand, AND Valkyrie? What could go wrong?! Check it out.
I know I already tweeted about this…but many of you don’t follow me on twitter yet (what’s up with that by the way?!) and quite frankly I’m still (a week later) thinking about how much I love it. Faith Erin Hicks Wolverine Short Story. It’s made of awesome.
The only thing I like more than “grouchy bathrobe wearing babysitting mutants Wolverine” is “happy to be running in a field with deer Wolverine”. The whole adorable story is here. Definitely check it out.
And if you’re not already following me on twitter…get on it!…@79SemiFinalist.
My She Has No Head! interview with comics creator Hope Larson was discussed and linked to today in an excellent post on Jezebel by Latoya Peterson about Girls, Comics, and Rashida Jones new book Frenemy Of The State.
Any day I get linked to on Jezebel is a good day…plus…the comments are mostly full of happiness, encouragement, and excitement…rather than the opposite of all that. Thanks to Latoya and Jezebel. Check it out.