The following is a selection of comics released this week (6/3/10)* that focus heavily on women in comics – whether that be characters, creators, or even readers.
The books are rated as BUY, TRADEWAIT, or SKIP.
*It should be noted that this list will focus on North American/English releases as that’s mostly what I have access to. Additionally, as I am in general unfamiliar with Manga, I will not be including Manga titles in my lists. For some great reviews and discussion of Manga titles I urge you to check out Danielle Leigh on CSBG.
Thanks to Memorial Day we’re a day late on comics here in the US, but no fear, here’s what you should buy this week on the female positive tip…there weren’t a ton of female focused books, but what was out, was pretty great…
DEMO #5 (of 6). Brian Wood (writer). Becky Cloonan (artist). Vertigo. 32 Pages. $2.99. Includes 22 page story, notes and sketches by Wood and Cloonan, and a two-page preview of Demo #6.
The quality of this book continues to be no surprise. I think this was one of my favorite issues yet. Like the rest of the series the story feels both realistic and grounded yet with supernatural or unusual elements that twist the story in interesting directions. As always however, it’s Wood and Cloonan’s ability to capture characters and tell moving stories that surprise that sells it. Demo Volume 2 has been a home run as far as I’m concerned and this is no exception. BUY.