Here is the long awaited (well maybe for me, more than you) Rabid Lamb Logo. I expect it will go through many drafts, but here’s the first one. Huge thanks to Adam for actually designing and drawing the actual rabid lamb…who I am thinking of calling Ham Head…
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Here it is, in all its gorgeous glory, the first Rabid Lamb guest strip. Adam tends to be more about beautiful cartooning and artistry and details while I am more about the writing or the “joke”. Sadly, even if I had the skill he does, there is just no way I could measure up to the standard he has set with this strip in a daily comic, there just aren’t enough hours to set aside for it. He has promised to do another one soon though…so feel free to hassle him until he gets it done. Additionally, Adam has a great blog of his own, that is mostly about film, although a few other things slip in there on occasion, which I urge everyone to check out:
Also, coming on Monday, Adam has drawn a great mascot for Rabid Lamb Comics, so I’ll be assembling the new logo over the weekend…it should premiere with Monday’s strip. There are also some book reviews coming up that will post today and over the weekend I think…
Thank you Adam – I LOVE it.
What are people thinking?! Crazy stuff.
Project Runway last night…I’m not surprised…were you?
I had this whole rant I wanted to do about The Millionaire Matchmaker (yes, I’ve seen enough episdoes that I have to admit I “watch” the show – but since I watch it largely for comedic value does that make it slightly less disturbing? I think so) anyway, on the finale of Matchmaker this past week, a millionaire (and a good catch of one too – attractive, 6’4, well spoken, educated, not creepy, and well…a MILLIONAIRE) proposed to his date on their first date. And crazier news, the bitch said yes! WHAT?!?!?!?! What world am I living in?
They had known each other for less than 24 hours and spent less than six hours together. INSANE. But it made me think a little bit about the rush that everyone seems to be in to get married, well okay, it didn’t make me want to think about it, it made me want to rant about it angrily on my blog. So here we are.
What is the freaking rush people? How can you possibly know someone can be a good partner for you in six months…even a year is pushing it if you ask me. Nine times out of ten I’d say proposing before you’ve known each other for a year is insane (there are exceptions – Jessica if you’re reading I probably mean you ;). know there is, especially on a woman’s side of things, a rush if you’re in your thirties and want to have children, but you know what – rushing into the wrong relationship, or even one that seems good but hasn’t had the chance to develop yet because you haven’t even been with that person for an entire year (!) is crazy…sure you might get your kid(s) by the time you’re 36 or 38 or 40 or whatever your magic number for that is, but maybe you’ll be in a crappy marriage too…or divorced…or I don’t know, what’s worse than a crappy marriage?
It’s just silly.
I’m really enjoying this whole “phrases people have used to find my blog” bit, I wish I could just keep it up indefinitely, but it’s got to end…we’ve got one or two more coming, and don’t forget about Adam’s beautiful guest strip premiering on Friday.
Update: The more I think about this, the more the “free sexbot” thing is funny. Because it’s not just that someone was looking for a sexbot, which doesn’t REALLY exist…I mean we’re getting there, but you know, you don’t just like pick one up in Best Buy for a couple hundred bucks…but he (yes, I’m assuming he) was looking for a FREE sexbot. Like there are people all over the city going, “Hey, you know what I’m really sick of? My sexbot. I wonder if I can off load it onto somebody…Hmmm.”
Hello all…a little warning here, this comic and several this week are possibly NSFW…so scroll with caution…
I’m doing a series of these this week, and I have to say, they’re some of my favorite comics yet, so I hope you’ll enjoy them, even if they are slightly NSFW…in a cartoony way. Also, big news, Friday will be the long awaited premiere of Adam’s guest strip for Rabid Lamb Comics…I’m so excited, as it’s just really really beautiful. He did a great job…it will debut Friday as Rabid Lamb Comic #97.
Despite the fact that sitting in my house, in front of my computer, in my comfy aeron chair, with a coffee or tea is one of my favorite places on earth to be, it seems to be almost impossible to go home and do this after spending nine or ten hours doing it at the office. I guess this is why I so often end up on the couch watching Law & Order reruns or bad reality tv.
I’ve made some really serious goals for myself though for the next couple months. It will mean a lot of hard work and a very tiny amount of fun and “relaxation” but I hope to have some real progress and close out some projects. Wish me luck.
It’s true. Two crazy and semi-awesome things happened to Adam and I when we were out and about in the city a couple months ago, and I want to do a comic about it, but it’s just not condusive to a little four page cartoony strip (well, not with my mediocre skills). I am considering doing and epic-ish “comic page” about it, but still, my skills are so weak, it will be hella difficult to draw. (Yeah, I’m bringing “hella” back – you gonna start trouble?!). Anyway, I’ll think about it…
Heads Up: I’m going out of town this afternoon for work and probably won’t have access to a computer tomorrow while I’m away, but dedicated that I am, I still have a comic for Friday, but it’s just going to post later this afternoon…
This is a great little new show. You may have seen an ad for it in an actual theater – which is where Adam and I first heard about it, and marks maybe the first time ever that I wasn’t pissed to be watching an ad in a theater. It is a good show, but there are some problems, it can get a little repetitive and neither Adam or I like the opening.
Eugene Cussons, the “host” I guess is what you’d call him, is charming, without being overly nice and sweet and “perform-y” for the camera, and sometimes you can see that other than saving chimps for a living he might kind of be a dick…which oddly, makes me like him more, if only because he seems more real. He’s got a great foreign accent (South African? I’m not sure) but that also makes me like him more…I’m a sucker for a British-like accents. The real stars of course are the chimps which are insanely cute and human-like, especially the young ones, which tend to be less scarred and traumatized and more interested in just hanging out with Eugene and being adorable and climbing trees.
The show consists of three primary elements – Eugene finding and rescuing chimps that are being mistreated, or that have been stolen, or are scheduled for termination (etc.); dealing with the frustrating details of the respective governments and travel and the myriad of other obstacles that get put in his way; and Chimp Eden itself, which is primarily a beautiful fenced in reserve where he can rehabilitate the chimps. My favorite bits are of course at Chimp Eden, if only because it seems less sad and more sweet and optimistic than seeing how badly many of these animals are treated, however the show can turn on a dime. Last week as Jao, a big “grandfather chimp” in “The Kindergarden” (he’s in with the young chimps because he is too aggressive to be in with the adults) all of a sudden tried to yank off Eugene’s boot – pulling him out of a tree – and almost taking his foot off. They constantly remind you on the show that the chimps are ten times stronger than a human, but man is it easy to forget. Eugene kept his foot (and his boot) in the end, but it was really intense.
Escape To Chimp Eden is on Friday’s at 9pm on Animal Planet, although you can catch repeats all the time as well.
You can learn more about the show here and can also check out a clip on youtube here, it’s not the greatest clip, not the one I would choose, but the best one I could find today.
This movie had plotholes big enough to drive mack trucks through them, but it was really the lights issue that bothered me most. They’re hiding out in an attic for a long time (like weeks – though we get no sense that it has been that long) and the entire freaking time they have the lights on…if you are hiding from vampires – vampires that have been portrayed as the ultimate hunters and badasses no less – would you really keep the attic lights on for two plus weeks, and keep peeking out of a pulled back piece of kraft paper taped over a window? No, you would not. Also, these vampires are so smart…why did they not cut off the back-up/generator power to the town after the cut the regular power. And does back-up/generator power really power an entire town for 30 days? It was very frustating for me.
Even though the movie was chock full of holes in logic, it was quite pretty, from Josh Hartnett right on down to the images of bloody massacre on snow (I know that doesn’t really sound beautiful – but from an artistic perspective it was kind of stunning). Overall it was a very pretty movie, and since I’m a scaredy cat there were times that I was into it and scared, but it was pretty disappointing – mostly because it could have been SO awesome – and it just fell really really short. It’s probably 2 1/2 stars for me, which means I have to pick between 2 stars and 3 stars on netflix. Ah, the half star conundrum continues…