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It’s true.  Two crazy and semi-awesome things happened to Adam and I when we were out and about in the city a couple months ago, and I want to do a comic about it, but it’s just not condusive to a little four page cartoony strip (well, not with my mediocre skills).  I am considering doing and epic-ish “comic page” about it, but still, my skills are so weak, it will be hella difficult to draw.  (Yeah, I’m bringing “hella” back – you gonna start trouble?!).  Anyway, I’ll think about it…

Heads Up:  I’m going out of town this afternoon for work and probably won’t have access to a computer tomorrow while I’m away, but dedicated that I am, I still have a comic for Friday, but it’s just going to post later this afternoon…

So I’m sure anyone who reads this blog regularly has already guessed that when I stopped posting my daily NaNoWriMo updates (about a week into November) I had stopped working.  This is both true and not true.  The whole truth is that while I netted less than 10,000 words in the month of November on my book, NaNoWritMo (the way I was doing it -which was not the correct way anyway) turned out to be incredibly effective for me.  While I did not net a whole novel in a month, or even close to one, I was thinking about it so much that I solved several of the storytelling and plot issues I had been LONG struggling with (like a year plus of struggling). 

I spent so much time thinking about the book (Lola LeFever) that I did have some major breakthroughs and I think I know how to write both Lola and the third and final installment in the trilogy (still untitled) when I finally carve out some time.  So, success through failure.  Yea!  Perhaps that should be my motto in life…it’s almost as accurate as my “semi-finalist” blog title.

Thanks for caring…if you did.  And for not calling me out as a hack-failure when I stopped updating :)

I’ve spent a lot of time on this site talking about comic book artists and cartoonists that I admire and adore, but let us take a moment to talk about one of the (if not THE) most hated comic book artists in all of history, Rob Liefield.  I am hesitant to talk about terrible artists, because I consider myself a pretty terrible artist and somehow it just seems a bit mean, however, I currently make $0 on my terrible art and comics while Liefeld has made millions, MILLIONS, which I’m sorry to say, opens him up for some serious criticism.  Criticism which has finally found a brilliant and hilarious voice with this “Liefeld Expose” on Progressive Boink

I, like legions of others, have always hated his art – and let’s not forget that on top of the digusting ridiculous art he also can’t write or plot his way out of a paper bag.  Most of us still ended up with a surprising amount of his work in our comic boxes (for me it was X-Force…poor poor X-Force…*sigh*).  This is eternally frustrating, especially since I continue to lack the ability to go back in time and correct past mistakes.   Anyway, for those who don’t know, not only is Liefeld a complete hack, but he’s also, by all reports, an arrogant ass, and again, he made MILLIONS off us…and is somehow STILL getting work…how is this possible?  Check out Progressive Boink, and have some brilliant laughs (my favorite is the bit about the “billions of teeth” on #16 – HA!) and maybe it will help you feel a little better, if you like me, EVER purchased a Liefeld book.

i’m happy to report that someone found this blog with the search terms “BRETT RATNER HACK” (and all in caps).  it’s good to know that other people have put these words together and are actively seeking out further information.  go world!

here is a quick list of Ratner’s unforgivable directing sins against the people of the world (and is it any coincidence his last name has the word RAT in it?  i think not:

Rush Hour, The Family Man, Rush Hour 2, Red Dragon, X-Men: The Last Stand (for this i could kill the man); and let’s not forget Rush Hour 3 (whoo-hooo!). 

i mean are you kidding me?  how is it this guy gets hired for anything?  this is your list of credits?  i gracefully left off Money Talks and After the Sunset as i have not seen enough of either to judge – but i’m confident they suck as well.  how does one even go about destorying franchises already so carefully built?  well okay, only one franchise, but whatever. 

sidenote:  as karmic payback for my HACK posts, when my book is no doubt optioned by hollywood someday (blessing or curse?) i’m sure Brett Ratner will direct my precious baby into Rush Hour 3 ridiculousness…oy.

…is not on this blog, but i’m going to link to it…

let me first preface this link by saying that Brett Ratner is the definition of a hack.  seriously, if you go to my dictionary, under the word hack it says Brett Ratner and there is a little picture.  yes, i wrote it in and drew a cartoon of him in sharpie on the page, but still, i’d trust it.  someday all your dictionaries will be as advanced as mine.  in the meantime, you can read this absolutely hilarious bit from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency:


ps: McCarthy’s The Road was the best book i’ve read so far this year.  if you haven’t read it yet, read it now, even though if you a buy a copy now it has that tell tale Oprah sticker on it, which annoys the hell out of me.  it’s still worth it.