marvel comics

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So we’ve got a tie this week, mostly cause I just love me some Emma Frost and Chris Bachalo.  First is this great splash page panel by Daniel Acuna of Luke Cage (POWERMAN!) and his wife Jessica Jones (POWERWOMAN?) having dinner in New Avengers #8.

I love it.  It’s really fun and smart and has great attention to detail from the clothing of our heroes, to the one slightly falling sock of our waitress…it’s just damn fine looking comics.  And really, this scene goes on for several pages and with the exception of one very weird Jessica Jones expression panel it’s pretty fantastic.  I miss Stuart Immonen like crazy on this book already and am horribly disappointed that he’s no longer on the book…but Acuna is a good replacement if I have to have one.  I’m really bummed that I have to drop the book when Deodato (and Chaykin?) come on board…but maybe Acuna will stay?  Maybe I can keep reading?  In fairness to Deodato, I thought his cover to New Avengers #8 was pretty good, and very restrained in his depiction of Jones…which is usually where he loses me (his depiction of women).

click to enlarge

But I couldn’t resist Chris Bachalo’s great cartoon-y fun take on the X-Men and especially Emma Frost in this panel from X-Men #7. Apologies to Mr. Bachalo for the liberties I took (I had to crop a bit as it was an unwieldy shape – also the crease is terrible – double sorry!) but look past it please to the beautiful extremely detailed personality filled artwork there.  The combination of lights and darks, the highly complex detailed work, the great composition, character design and acting.  FABULOUS.  Also, Emma, you so funny.  :)

Click to enlarge!

And now for the fun stuff…

Apparently Emma’s clothing is SO CRAZY all the damn time, that even though Bachalo has made an effort to put Emma in pants (and thank you for that Mr. Bachalo) colorists DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS PANTS.

They probably went to color it and were like…”No…just regular pants?  That can’t be right…This is EMMA FROST!  I bet it’s some kind of weird underwear thigh-high boots situation…!”

And that is how you end up with something that looks like this:

Yeah.  That’s just wrong.  Even for Emma.

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Fables #101 came close to taking it this week but this Uncanny X-Men #4 cover by Esad Ribic is just too cool not to win.  It’s not PERFECT, but it’s very interesting to me with the shapes and movement and composition.  It also manages to, despite being a style that looks very stiff and slick to me, have great movement and energy thanks to the composition and patterns.

Ross made a comment a while back in cover solicits that this cover would be even better if Psylocke’s skin was lighter here because it would further re-inforce the pale colors and dark patterned shapes – and I agree – but it’s still very cool.

All these covers are pretty interesting actually, but this is my favorite that we’ve seen so far.

Though I had a few covers I liked a lot this week (Northlanders #36 stands out especially) it’s no surprise that I’m going with Wolverine & Jubilee #1 by Oliver Coipel, which I raved about in more detail just recently here.  Also nice is that I really liked this issue too.  Yay for comics!

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Head over to CSBG to check out a link to the latest 3 Chicks Review Comics podcast, as well as a write up of what’s inside this episode!

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I’ve never really read Silver Sable before but Brad Walker’s take on her in Heroes For Hire #2 is AWESOME.  I’m in.

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So let me just say, if more superhero art (and design) looked like the following Oliver Coipel cover for Wolverine & Jubilee #1…I would be reading more comics (and bitching A WHOLE LOT LESS).  I first thought this was a Stuart Immonen cover…and it has some great Immonen like qualities (highest of compliments coming from me)…but it’s Coipel and I have to give the man props because there is SO much right in this simple image.

First and foremost Wolverine is short.  Smaller than Jubilee style short. He’s also a bit stocky.  These are great things.

Now, onto Jubilee.  First of all, she looks at least a bit Asian…which is so rare, and a huge step in the right direction at a minimum.  Secondly, she’s very slight and slim and not crazy curvy and stacked like every other woman in comics – she’s got small proportions that befits the history of the character.  It’s so fucking refreshing I had to stare at it for full minutes to understand the wonderfullness (not a word!) that was occurring.  Lastly, the fashion forward-ness of Jubilee’s costume…it’s completely streamlined and refined and super cool (and hot) while still being both appropriate for superheroing and totally retaining her identity within the update. The yellow jacket and large pink-ish sunglasses are just unmistakably Jubilee…but paired with a slick black catsuit…I just…I am swooning over this.

AND a zippered costume that is zipped up?  PLEASE. MORE COMICS LIKE THIS.  ALWAYS. FOREVER.  BRING IT.

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No contest this week (assuming this actually came out, I wasn’t able to get it).  Skottie Young’s Ozma of Oz#3, which will definitely be on my short list for covers of the year.  Of the books I actually bought I have to say it was a plethora of mediocrity.  Until I realized Ozma of Oz came out this week and just wasn’t in my pile I was at a loss for how I would pick one winner out of this pile of not so good – ironically so far I’m enjoying the insides quite a bit…just not the covers…


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There was so much wall to wall awesome in Kaare Andrews work in Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #4 that I just had to share a FEW bits.



And then something that is just damn good comics, even though Wolverine isn’t involved.  For those that don’t already know, the character pictured (Armor) has an armor-like exoskeleton that she fights in and which protects her from just about everything…apparently except the thing she’s fighting now…and it is freaking TERRIFYING to watch.  Really good comics that make you go “OH MY GOD” while you read.  *slow clap* Nice work Ellis and Andrews, nice work.

Awesome, yes?

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Well, make that PAGE of the week.  And if you think I’m having trouble editing myself, know that I could have easily scanned pretty much the entire issue of Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3 and put it up for contention.  Great, great issue.  Kate Beaton knocked it out of the park (twice!) in her funny pieces, and everyone else brought their A game as well…but I couldn’t resist this page from Eduardo Medeiros’ piece (with an assist by Judy Leheup).  I tip my hat to you sir…awesome stuff.

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This is, yet again, a bit of a cheat as it’s actually four panels…but in order to get the joke/feel I think you need them all.  This is from Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen’s New Avengers #7, which was filled with hilarious bits this week, including this excerpt which is about the Avengers talking about getting a paycheck and specifically Spider-Man realizing he can’t get one because he’s the only one that still has a secret identity and that the government can’t issue him a check.  I DO love Bendis’ Spider-Man…it always makes me think I should actually be reading Spider-Man.  Look at that gorgeous Stuart Immonen art…so fucking good!

click to enlarge

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