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So I’m sure anyone who reads this blog regularly has already guessed that when I stopped posting my daily NaNoWriMo updates (about a week into November) I had stopped working.  This is both true and not true.  The whole truth is that while I netted less than 10,000 words in the month of November on my book, NaNoWritMo (the way I was doing it -which was not the correct way anyway) turned out to be incredibly effective for me.  While I did not net a whole novel in a month, or even close to one, I was thinking about it so much that I solved several of the storytelling and plot issues I had been LONG struggling with (like a year plus of struggling). 

I spent so much time thinking about the book (Lola LeFever) that I did have some major breakthroughs and I think I know how to write both Lola and the third and final installment in the trilogy (still untitled) when I finally carve out some time.  So, success through failure.  Yea!  Perhaps that should be my motto in life…it’s almost as accurate as my “semi-finalist” blog title.

Thanks for caring…if you did.  And for not calling me out as a hack-failure when I stopped updating :)

I wrote the least last night (had to catch up on my comics, both reading them and writing them), but I ended up picking a couple sentences strewn together.  I know that’s cheating…shut up. 


Words Written:  388

Best Sentence(s):  I wish I could explain what it feels like to be me.  Have you ever tried walking on the sun and found that you not only could, but that it made you even stronger?  It is as if the heat and flames seep through your skin and power you up like a nuke, radiating off of you in waves of pure power.  That is what it feels like to be me.  Everyday, all the time.  Walking around like a god.  You can’t ever understand what it’s like to be me, because you can’t even imagine that, can you?

Okay.  I get through these nights of “writing” knowing that most of these “best” sentences will not make it to the final draft, and also in realizing that it has definitely gotten my brain sparking in a new way.  Plotting ideas/concepts (my worst writing enemy) have definitely been firing off more frequently in my brain the last few days, so while the sentences remain crappy, at least the ideas are starting to flow.  There is hope!

Oy.  This is starting to look like a mistake.  I know the point is to write as much as possible and to understand that it won’t necessarily be my best work, but it is really depressing to see my “best” sentences daily.  Here we go, yet again, another non-great sentence…


Words Written:  1304

Best Sentence:  People call me callus, but I have always considered myself simply a realist.

yucky :(

I’m kind of cheating already, because I’m already writing in a non-linear way (my kryptonite) and I swore to write the story straight this month.  I’ll try to get back on track today, but here are yesterday’s stats…


Words Written:  691

Best Sentence:  It was as if all my ancestors and all their Lola counterparts were standing on opposite sides of my brain preparing to wage a war.

Ho-hum…still not so great.  I’m going to really have to focus tonight I guess.

So yesterday was my first day of trying to WriMo, as mentioned previously, I’m not necessarily aiming for 50,000 words, but I am aiming for a fully completed (horrible) draft of my book Lola LeFever, which is part two in a trilogy (yes, part one has been completed).  So I aim to write everyday, and give you my loyal readers both my word count for the day and my best sentence written that day.  I hope that having to deliver those things to a audience and real imposed deadline (this blog) that I will stay on task.  We’ll see (frankly, it’s hard already).  But here we go…


Words Written:  1461

Best Sentence: The instant I heard the impact of steel hitting dirt at hundreds of miles per hour I felt a fire inside me, a power that enveloped me and loved me like nothing had ever bothered to before.

Yuck!  This sentence sucks!  I can’t believe this is the best sentence…oy.  I’ll have to do much better tomorrow.  Here’s to tomorrow’s sentence being better than that…


Ah, Civilization 4…how I hate you.

Adam has protested that he does not actually stick out his tongue while playing this game, and he is right, but there is an intense look of concentration that is mostly frustrating, but occasionally cute, that I’m just not a great enough cartoonist to capture, this was the best way I could represent it.

Also, I’m going to do an experiment this week and post comics daily, Monday thru Friday.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up that pace and continue it (especially with my new pseduo-NaNoWriMo commitment), and if it’s not rewarding enough (e.g. not enough blog hits, comments, etc.) then I probably won’t even bother trying again…but we’ll see.  Wish me luck, and thanks for reading!

So yesterday began National Novel Writer’s Month (NaNoWriMo), which is a kind of awesome idea that I was completely unaware of until this past October. It’s one of those things where you have no idea how you could have missed it because the second you know about it you see it EVERYWHERE. Anyway, you can read more about it by using the link below (since my Mac is still refusing to link for me) in case you are even more behind in the world than I am.

It’s a pretty great idea. In a nutshell you commit to writing a 50,000 word novel in one month, the month of November. The idea being that while you will likely not write the great American novel, you will be a whirling dervish of words and will produce more than ever before, and maybe some of it is salvageable and maybe just maybe gets you over that creative block that so many of us languish under. In addition, if you actually commit through the site there looks to be all sorts of interactive things and motivators and help and advice and everything. I suppose it’s also a good way to make connections with other writers both near and far and there appears to be a sharing of information and novels and critiques. It all sounds pretty good.

I’m not doing it. I thought about it, but was still on the fence when commitment time came. I’m going to think about seriously committing for next year, and in the meantime I am going to try to do it on my own (and in my own way) anyway.

I don’t know that it will be 50,000 words, and it WILL probably be crap, but I’ve been languishing in how to write part II of a trilogy I have in mind, a book called Lola LeFever, which is part two in my trilogy. Part one is written (ironically it is almost exactly 50,000 words) and has been submitted and handily rejected by one agent (just this past September). I have just (last Tuesday) sent out a query on part one to a second agent, which will likely amount to another solid no. But one of these days someone is going to say yes, and then they’re going to look at the epilogue, which sets up a cliffhanger for the second book and say to me, “So Kelly, have you written the second book yet?” I’d like to be able to say yes.

Unfortunately I really set myself up to be screwed here, because Lola LeFever is all told from a villain’s point of view (Lola) and while I think it is a great and kind of radical idea to ask a reader to identify so with the villain, after spending the first book identifying entirely with the hero, it is really difficult for me to write a villain (because I’m so good you see ;). Anyway, I figure what better way than to just force myself to do it in 30 days…maybe something salvageable will come of it.

What’s the worst that could happen? Seriously…love your thoughts on that… :)

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