I don’t generally think of myself as lazy, I am and always have been a hard worker and in addition to working full time (usually 50+ hours a week) I obviously do this cartoon and blog, and write fiction. I did actually finish a novel and am working on my second. I submit (off and on) to literary magazines and agents, as is well documented here on this blog. I’m very productive overall with my time. HOWEVER, when it comes to things like forcing myself to workout or deal with unpleasant things like finances etc., I am terribly bad. When I look at my life, productive or not in its own way, I sometimes feel super lazy, because the reality is that I have almost no commute time (I walk to work) and yet I still cannot manage to do a simple daily (or even semi daily) work out on equipment that is literally right in front of me in my apartment. And don’t say going to the gym is easier than working out at home, I hate the gym. I actually hate everything about the gym. There’s not one redeeming thing in it for me, whether I’m in good shape or bad.
On to more important and less self absorbed subjects…did everyone vote today? Assuming of course you’re in a state that votes today as I am. It was exciting to go in and have a say in this election…it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to care or had any hope for the future. I was really torn between Clinton and Obama and literally did not make up my mind until standing there in that booth.
As a sidenote, I’m pretty pissed at the city of New York, because today should be all about voting, but instead of voting there are tons of people lining up since about 3am for a ridiculous NY Giants parade. Don’t get me wrong, I understand being a fan, I understand how excited everyone is about this huge victory, and I even understand wanting to go and show support and have a great time by going to a parade with a bunch of mutual fans to welcome back your team…but why does this parade HAVE to happen on voting tuesday. I think this sends a horrible message. Even if the people who go to a NY Giants parade would not be the people who vote anyway, or the people who go to the parade and want to vote will still make the effort to do so, I just think it sends the wrong message. “Hey, why care about your rights and how this country is run…when you can yell and scream at a parade, for a team that really, has nothing whatsoever to do with you?” That’s right…you go stand at your parade…like sheep. Don’t worry about anything else, just paint up your face and scream from the sidelines, while all your political decisions get made for you…
It makes me very sad.