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the v logo, which is more interesting than the cast shot

Awesome idea, as it was in 1984, but the execution here is seriously flawed.

Stilted writing, over-the-top hammy performances (with a few notable exceptions), incredibly out of touch and dated stereotypical characters, and effects that are completely hit and miss.

It’s easy to see where the money went on certain effects shots that look good to great by TV standards, but others look hokey and almost like they could have come from the original 1984 series.  Basic shoddy green screens with actors awkwardly in front of them; a “New York riot” that looks like an average day on any New York street, rather than the chaos that would ensue were aliens floating above us, etc.

I could forgive the effects though, I really could.  What I cannot forgive is ridiculous heavy handed plotting and completely unoriginal characters.  The single mother and rebellious teenage son?  CHECK!  Attractive blonde overly earnest priest questioning his place now that aliens have showed up?  CHECK!  Hot blonde (might as well be from Cali) alien to tempt the rebellious teen son?  CHECK!  “Perfect” guy with a mysterious past that is super in love with his “perfect girlfriend”?  CHECK!  Convenient traitorous partner/best friend?  CHECK!  “Tough as nails” newly divorced mother?  CHECK!  All the tropes are there – and there’s not a single interesting or new thing about these stereotypes that get trotted out for roll call.  These were tired character types ten years ago (at least!) and I saw nothing new to keep me tuned in now.


Scott Wolf’s tempted opportunistic reporter was vaguely interesting and well executed, though certainly not ground breaking.  Alan Tudyk’s traitor FBI agent/V terrorist cell operative was not unexpected, but at least in Tudyk’s hands it didn’t incur eye rolling.  Although proof that the writing/plotting/pacing is seriously off, is that we as an audience cannot remotely begin to care about Tudyk’s character and/or his relationship with Elizabeth Mitchell’s character before he turns on her – so the reveal is totally powerless.  We can’t feel anything about it because we don’t care about these characters yet (if ever)…it’s no real surprise he turns on her, because we don’t actually know or care for him.  Morris Chestnut’s “perfect guy with a past” in love with his “perfect girlfriend” was boring me to tears as well (despite my general like of Morris Chestnut) but the reveal of him as a V traitor aligning himself with the human resistance was a welcome surprise.  The V leader Anna, played capably by Morena Baccarin is enjoyable to watch, but that won’t take me far.  And in an interesting side note, IMDB says that Famke Janssen turned down the role of Anna…which if she read the script, I don’t have to wonder why.

There was also a kind of pitifully unhip aspect about this show, that I can’t quite put my finger on.  I suppose it was primarily noticeable in the writing…it felt like someone’s grandpa was writing it and was trying SOOOO hard to connect “with teh kids!”…which as anyone who’s still remotely young-ish will tell you is a freaking death knell.  In my experience, kids (especially badass awesome ones) can sense someone trying too hard from about a thousand miles away and will run in the exact opposite direction.

Also, if this was supposed to be geared towards the young hip sci-fi crowd then why are there no good young characters?  There’s only one young adult/teenager (that’d be the rebellious teenage son – oh, and his token friend that got about six lines) and they’re probably the most annoying characters thus far.  So if it’s not geared towards “teh kids”…who is it geared towards?  The entire cast looks to be in their mid-30’s…but I’m in my early 30’s and the cast still felt old and tragically unhip to me.

And it can’t possibly be geared towards the die hard sci-fi crowd because even my barely sci-fi credentialed ass found plot holes the size of…well…I don’t know…but they were big.  Like, why do the the V’s need to engage in any kung fu fighting with us lame humans, when their technology outstrips us by miles?  And how have the V’s actually managed to stay hidden, when all it takes is a two by four to the head (or arm, or whatever) to reveal their interior reptilian selves?  And is the entire human race really so dumb that when an alien guest storms into all of our major cities across the globe and essentially says it will be taking some of our “abundant natural resources” nobody stands up and goes – “Hey…you know what is abundant here on Earth and isn’t anywhere else in our known universe?  Human FLESH!”  Lame.

All in all I’d give the first half of the episode a solid and resounding F, and the second half a wavering C- (wavering towards D that is), putting us somewhere in the D range overall.  I’ll probably tune in next week to see if they can save any of it (though if the previews are any indication – they can’t).  But if they don’t manage some better writing, better acting, less heavy handed hammy one liners, more consistent effects, and perhaps most critically – losing the dated and unhip feeling of the whole thing – I’ll be permanently pulling the plug.

Ironically, the somewhat similar Flash Forward (FBI lead characters, major global event, etc.) is already on my critical list – a mere pseudo-weak episode away from being pulled from my weekly viewing – and compared to V, Flash Forward looks like a world famous, A-list cast Shakespearean production.  And if you’ve seen Flash Forward…that’s saying a lot.

The Good Wife

My review of The Good Wife is up at The Best Shows You’re Not Watching.  Check it out.  As always, comments appreciated!  ~ Kelly

TVB Season Three Post

My final Venture Brothers season recap post went up at The Best Shows You’re Not Watching today.  Head on over and check it out.

Venture Brothers Season Two Image

My second post about The Venture Brothers went up at The Best Shows You’re Not Watching today.  Check it out and comment if you feel so inclined.  Thanks!  Kelly

cbs the good wife

I’m personally invested in The Good Wife being successful (Adam is working for the show) so you should know that upfront, but that little detail out of the way I can honestly say that The Good Wife is far and away the best new show I’m watching this year.

The first episode was great, the second episode was even better, and as I realized it was Tuesday today (through the joys of unemployment I didn’t realize it until about 2pm) I got all excited that The Good Wife was on tonight – which is a sure sign that I’m loving it – even more than I realized.  And quite frankly, it’s been a long time since I felt that way about any network show other than 30 Rock or The Office…a really long time.  So I’m excited.

If you’ve missed the first few episodes you can watch them in full online and catch up.  Do it, seriously, it’s good stuff.

…let’s see how everyone did, shall we?  Some definite surprises.



The Good Wife:  A- I really thought this worked.  Julianna Margulies was great and the writing was good, it’s the best hour long drama I’ve seen in a long time (maybe since season 1 of Damages?…which was really more of a thriller).  It’s also nice to see a lawyer show that isn’t quite a procedural and a drama that isn’t just a drama…so far it’s a nice blend of the two.  I’m optimistic.

FlashForward:  B+ This was interesting.  I’m still totally into the concept, and I think the execution was mostly good.  Some really great clues were presented to a fascinating larger picture and the acting was pretty solid.  I do have some complaints (of course I do!) the biggest of which is the unreality of which this epic (and global) situation was presented and yet within a few hours everyone has cell service (no way), everyone seems to have power (also no way), and despite some looting shown and viewers being told that half the country is under ‘martial law’ we really see non of that reflected in the quiet eyes of our main characters who are pretty much just going about their daily lives as if everything is just fine.

One of the main characters – Dr. Olivia is actually calmly sipping a fancy coffee and questioning her friend (another doctor) about where he was the previous day in a completely peaceful hospital setting.  I’m sorry, that place would be a shitstorm.  There would be no coffee…there would be only chaos.

Does anyone not remember Hurricane Katrina?  That was ONE city destroyed and it took a months for people to get basic things like medical care, food, and evacuation.  And still today, YEARS later that city and many of its people are still suffering greatly.  I know that they want to move this plot along and so they can only spend a small amount of time on this, but it really took a huge logical leap for me to come along with them that this is the reality in Los Angeles less than 24 hours after a global event of these proportions.  Hopefully the show won’t ask me for anymore logical stretches anytime soon as I think I’ve used up all my mental leaps for this show.

Community:  B+ This is the surprise hit of the list.  I laughed out loud…probably half a dozen times and the cast felt like they’d been together for years, rather than a pilot episode, which often has a lot of rough edges. I’m not sure where they’re going to go from here but it was definitely good enough to hook me into a few new more episodes.

Bored To Death:  B+ In addition to having the “best opening sequence ever!” I thought this was a good start.  A little slow, likely because the premise and character were nicely laid out, leaving little room for “the action!”, but I love all three main characters already.  Ted Danson delivered a hilarious performance that looks like it will only get better.  Zach Galifianakis was great as the best friend and I personally really liked Jason Schwartzman’s understated performance, but I’m a fan in general.  I think the only thing I’m worried about so far is that women seem to be a bit underrepresented and even stereotyped a little…but 1. It’s only a first episode and 2. As I’m sure Adam would say, “not EVERYTHING is about women, Kelly,” and he’s right…but it wouldn’t hurt to have a solid female lead or supporting character in there.  Hint. Hint.

Curb Your Enthusiasm:  B+ A welcome addition back into my line up.  I’m not great with uncomfortable comedy (The Office was hard for me at first) and Larry David is the MOST uncomfortable comedy guy of all time…but I love this show anyway.  The improv, the great guest stars, the “Seinfeldian story lines”…it’s all good.

Modern Family: B- Funny, but not as funny as the ads had led me to believe.  I’ll give it another chance, maybe two, but it isn’t working on all the levels the way Community is yet.  There were some moments of pure comedy genius though (the BB gun and the Lion King theme song being two that stuck out).  Because the three families in question are related (a father and his two grown children and their respective families) it keeps the cast a little white, which I find a little uninteresting.  They are obviously trying to get away from that and be more diverse – two gay men and a Vietnamese baby, and Dad’s new Latina wife and son…but when you count it up you still end up with seven white folks and three non-white (one of whom is a baby and probably will be for the foreseeable future).  But it’s only the first episode and maybe they will find a way to work in even more MODERN diversity, which is part of what I think I expect because of the title.

The New Adventures of Old Christine:  C This left me wanting.  There were a few funny bits, but not enough to carry it.  The chemistry between the cast is great, they all feel like old neurotic friends, but Wanda Sykes was by far the funniest and most watchable.  Everyone else seemed a bit pale in comparison (no pun intended).



The Office:  A- A really solid opener.  Laugh out loud funny.  I always forget how great this show is when I’m away from it for a while.  It gets docked because Michael seemed to have regressed a little from his growth last year.

30 Rock:  n/a Please come back 30 Rock…I miss you!



Top Chef:  A- Top Chef is a good show, what can I say.  Padma and Colicchio are great hosts, the show creates solid incredibly difficult challenges, and because there are two challenges per episode (quick fire and elimination) the show moves at a breakneck pace.  It’s just really good reality television.

Project Runway:  C- Tim Gunn is still the savior of the show, and I honestly don’t even mind it being in LA this season (Adam does…a lot) but the designers aren’t as interesting and possibly aren’t as talented, although it’s hard to tell because the challenges have been fairly ho-hum so far.  The show is also seriously hurting from the lack of Michael Kors and Nina Garcia.  Lastly, I HATE watching Lifetime’s commercials.  I really can’t watch this show unless it’s Tivo’d because the commercials for the other Lifetime shows make me want to vomit.



Flipping Out:  A- My friend Jason is in trouble for getting me addicted to this show.  Jeff Lewis, who constantly seems like the biggest dick of all time (and sometimes genuinely is) is actually one of the funniest driest people in the entire world.  He’s that guy that says something super sarcastic and cruel and while you’re waiting for him to cut it with a smile or a laugh, he just moves on.  But he was joking…he WAS totally joking.  But you’ll always be wondering.  Jeff Lewis is one in a million and I’ve ended up totally loving him despite his dickishness.  Also, Zoila for the freaking win.

The Rachel Zoe Project:  B+ Yeah, I’m one of those people that likes Rachel Zoe.  She has her faults sure, but compared to the divas I usually see on reality TV (I’m looking at you, you worthless housewives) she seems shockingly down to earth.  I don’t know, I just think she’s trying her best.  I find Taylor pretty annoying (and I would never hire her – she should be careful if she does leave Zoe) but when she takes the gigantic stick out of her ass she’s pretty funny.  Brad is so easy to watch it’s like eating cookie dough….if he doesn’t come out of this with his own show (or something) I’d be shocked.

House Hunters: B; House Hunters International: A- Explaining my addiction to these shows is difficult, but in HH Regular edition’s case I think it mostly comes down to a desire to no longer be a renter.  I want to own something rather than flushing my money down the toilet each month to a landlord (and I live in Manhattan – so it’s usually more than your average mortgage payment that I flush).  In HH International’s case it comes down (I think) to an intense desire to travel and be more worldly.



Accidentally on Purpose: Jenna Elfman, you had your chance, it was called Dharma and Greg.  It sucked and yet it stayed on the air FOREVER.  Let it go.  Give someone else a chance. I do love Ashley Jensen though, she was one of the best things about Extras.  Also, why are these characters ALL white.  I’m so sick of white people (myself included).

Gary Unmarried:  Didn’t Jay Mohr used to be funny?  What happened?



How I Met Your Mother: Despite my deep deep love of Jason Segel, and my affection for Neil Patrick Harris and Alyson Hannigan (Willow 4Eva!) I just don’t get what people love about this show.  I’ve tried many times over the years to “get it” but I just don’t.  It’s not like I think it’s the worst show on television…it’s not bad…I guess I just thought our standards would be higher for “best show ever!” which is what I always hear from the die hard HIMYM fans.  I watched the premiere and I didn’t laugh out loud (maybe once) and at the end I was all, “Eh.”

Also, at the risk of getting yelled at by millions of HIMYM fans, Josh Radnor is totally the weak link in that cast…yet he’s sort of the “star”.  This annoys me.  Lastly, since I said it for Elfman’s new show, I think I have to say it here as well…this cast of characters are REALLY white.  I’m so bored of all white all straight characters…no matter how pretty they are.


…with the TV watching schedule and hopeful early drop outsCommunity was actually really good. One of the better first episodes of a comedy I’ve ever seen.  There were several laugh out loud moments and most of the rest was regular funny and enjoyable.  The cast had really good chemistry.  Like the kind of chemistry you expect from a show that’s in its second or third year.  As predicted Chevy Chase was the least interesting aspect to me but it’s now in the Tivo…so somebody else is going to have to drop out…volunteers?


Robot Chicken 700x298

My post on Robot Chicken is up at The Best Show’s You’re Not Watching.  Check it out…and check out the “finale” of Robot Chicken tonight on Adult Swim.

For whatever reason this Fall, I have a disproportionately high number of shows I’m vaguely to seriously interested in.  And as someone that has whittled her television watching down to 30 Rock, The Office, a handful of HBO shows (usually about two per “season”) and a handful of “good” reality programming (also strangely clocking in at about two per “season”) I’m not sure why I’m so interested in what’s going on via my window to the world this Fall – chock it up to unemployment, contributing to a new TV review blog, or perhaps avoidance of really hard projects that “technically” have no deadline.  Whatever the reason I wanted to highlight what I’m planning to check out.

modern family 1

Modern Family (ABC).  On paper this SO does not look like my show.  But two different previews literally had me laughing out loud (even Adam laughed out loud – which is almost impossible for sitcom television unless your name is 30 Rock, maybe The Office).  So two good previews is proof enough to me that it deserves a shot.


Bored To Death (HBO).  I’m a big Jason Schwartzman fan, so already, before we even get started I’m in.  I loved him in I Heart Huckabees and from the previews, while it is a totally different character, the show seems to have a similar off beat sensibility that I think I’ll enjoy.  I like the idea of an amateur private investigator, and if feels like that concept could have ideas for years and years without getting stale.  I also love the idea of someone that is struggling with writing a book for um…obvious reasons.


Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO).  I’ve always like Curb, despite my general dislike of uncomfortable television, but I’ve somehow fallen off the wagon with Curb.  This year I fully intend to get back on.


The Good Wife (CBS).  I have to admit to personal bias on this – my boyfriend works on this show and so I have a vested interest in it being good and doing well.  That said, I think the show looks good.  I’m a fan of Julianna Margulies and I have it on good authority that the scripts are really good.  I also feel like CBS is doing a great job of promoting this show, and so I feel like they’re pretty committed to it, which makes me slightly less nervous about getting invested in it myself.


Flash Forward (ABC). This show wins the advertising war for me hands down this year.  I am tuning in for that hook alone. The cast looks good,the production values look good, the writing seems good, but it’s the hook my friends, the hook had me at hello.  Just that shot of everyone falling down in the bank all at the same time insured that I would at least tune in for one episode.  We’ll see how it goes from there.  But the concept, while dangerous in terms of running out of steam, is original and fascinating.


Community (NBC).  I’m really on the fence with this one.  I’ll probably give it a chance, if only because of where it falls in the line up, but I haven’t been that wowed by any of the previews.  I really like Joel McHale from E!’s The Soup, but the last time I saw Chevy Chase it was in that terrible Law & Order episode that was loosely (or you know, exactly) based on the “Mel Gibson situation” and I was really unimpressed.  Then again, The Three Amigos was on cable the other day and he was hilarious.  I’ll give it a shot, but call me cruel, with this much already on my tentative viewing schedule I’m not setting my Tivo until I laugh out loud half a dozen times.  I’d love for it to be another must see like The Office, but I’m suspicious it’s going to be a little more must miss like My Name Is Earl.

New Adventures of Old Christine

New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS).  I know this isn’t new.  But I’ve decided this year I’m going to try to watch it.  Every single time I’ve caught an episode in the past, or even just part of one, it’s been funny.  Like, laugh out loud funny.  And I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus, so why aren’t I watching it?  I think mostly cause it’s in a crappy time slot for me, I never remember it’s on, but this is what Tivo is for.  It’s going on the Tivo, I’ll report back if it stays on.


I’m considering trying out Dollhouse (FOX) again since they’ve added Alexis Denisof to the cast, but we’ll see.  I watched about half a dozen episodes last season and just couldn’t get on board, despite my usual love of all things Joss Whedon and the great concept.

I’ve also been kind of vaguely interested in Fringe, but with all this other TV it’s unlikely its got a chance to be added to the schedule.

It would be great if all these shows were awesome, but honestly, it’s a good thing if they don’t all deliver.  I’m already watching or planning to watch Project Runway, Top Chef, The Office, 30 Rock, The Venture Brothers, Big Love, and Flight of the Conchords – and if I’m honest I’m also watching Flipping Out and Rachel Zoe and every episode of HGTV’s House Hunters (long story) that I can get my hands on – so that is A LOT of television for me.  Not to mention I’ve started Netflixing Mad Men so I can catch up with the rest of the world on that one.

Somehow it seems wrong to root for some of these fail though…so I guess instead I’ll try to prepare myself for a lot of couch time. Quite frankly, not a problem.  :)

Hung Promo 700x300

Hello fans of 1979 Semi-Finalist!

I wanted to give all of you heads up that I’m a contributor to the new The Best Show’s You’re Not Watching blog, and this week my first post – a review of the HBO series Hung went up.

Please head on over and check it out.  Leave comments about the post there – so that I become their most valued contributor 😉 and don’t forget to sign up to follow the site on twitter if you like what you see.

Thanks for the support everyone.

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