Easy win this week for Marvel’s Strange Tales II #3. A bunch of hilarious giant headed Ivan Brunetti superheroes at the gym (and Spider-Man playing raquetball!) who can beat that? Nobody, that’s who!
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Easy win for me this week to give it to Brian Wood’s Northlanders #35 illustrated by Massimo Carnevale. Haunting and beautiful. Love all the white.
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, things made of awesome
Me: Hey comics?
Comics: Yeah?
Me: Skottie Young wiped the floor with you all this week.
Comics: Nu-uh!
Me: Yeah-uh. Wanna see?
*shows all the other comics she bought, the cover to the completely awesome Ozma of Oz #2*
Comics: Oh.
Me: Yeah.
So yeah…the winner…in a massive TKO…no fucking contest…Skottie Young’s perfect Ozma of Oz #2 cover:
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, things made of awesome
There were some really nice covers this week including Travel Foreman’s Black Widow #8, the lovely (and bittersweet) final cover to Madame Xanadu #29 by Mark Buckingham, and Jock’s very cool Detective Comics #871, but nobody could hang with J.H. Williams III and my girl Batwoman for Batwoman #0. Bathe in the awesomeness:
Happy Thanksgiving to those Americans that celebrate it. I mostly celebrate having two days off…which at this point in my life is a massive luxury.
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, things made of awesome
Gotta go with J.H. Williams III’s completely iconic, awe-inspiring, and flat out gorgeous cover to Batman Inc. #1.
It’s also nice that the cover really resonates what is actually inside unlike so many comics today. The cover heralds not only the return of Bruce Wayne and the ushering in of a new era, but the flags from a variety of nations as his backdrop, really helps clarify what that era will be. As usual J.H. Williams III is one of the absolute best artists around. If you love him, go vote for him in Comics Should Be Good’s Top 100 Artists and Writers (but don’t forget about all the awesome lady writers and artists!).
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, the goddamn batman
Remember two seconds ago when I was saying comics give and then they take. This would be the give part of that equation:
Mark your calendars! February 23rd!
Not wild about how prevalent Bette Kane aka Flamebird seems in the solicit because that was the least interesting part of Kate’s Detective Comics arc to me, but I knew it was coming and I trust Williams III to do it well. Don’t let me down man! So excited.
So, quite frankly, I love this Chrissie Zullo illustration, and I love the character of Cindy from Fables…but why on earth does she need to be wearing only underwear and a hat, scarf, and gloves in this promo/cover image for the series? When will I start seeing dudes equally dressed to promote their mini-series? It will never happen. You know why? Cause it looks fucking ridiculous.
It’s so frustrating to see this stuff…because Chrissie Zullo does gorgeous work, Cindy’s a great character, and while Chris Roberson is not my favorite writer thus far, there’s literally NO sexism in his work (at least in what I’ve read)…so this is a book I want to like…should like…and should be the audience for…but then she’s in her underwear…? How I am supposed to support this? Not only support it with my dollars…but this is the kind of book that should be obvious review fodder for She Has No Head!…but if the covers (and more?) are going to be like this…it makes it really hard for my to throw any support behind it.
Ah comics…you give and then you take, you give and then you take. Would it kill you just to give one in a while?
Tags: comic covers, comics!
Winner for this week…? Eh, not a strong week, but this is the best cover of the Batgirl series thus far…by a mile. The uniform almost looks good here. Almost. Nguyen can make almost any cover good.
Additionally, this should have made last week’s Cover Of The Week a three way tie…but I didn’t get it until this week. So I still have to give it credit. It’s hard to compete with Jamie Hernandez.
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week
Any other week, either of these covers could have handily beat everyone else I think…but since they’re up on the same week, they’re just going to have to share.
First up, Rafael Albuqurque’s incredibly iconic and interesting Superboy #1. Let me be clear…I have absolutely ZERO interest in Superboy. ZERO. I still bought this comics. The color choices here, combined with composition and straight up beautiful figure work sell this SO HARD. Nice job boys.
Also brilliant is Mike Allred’s awesome I, Zombie #7. These covers have been a bit hit and miss for me, but when they are hits, they are home-freaking-runs. This is AMAZING.
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week, things made of awesome
It’s no secret that I’ve been loving the hell out of Fiona Staples DV8 Covers for the Brian Wood & Rebekah Isaacs Gods & Monsters mini-series, and this week is no exception. A beautiful cover featuring what’s turned into one of my favorite characters – Freestyle – that I hope is not going to bite it. Please please please Brian!
It’s also of note that while I ended up going for a panel of the week not from this book (that post goes up Tuesday 10/26), this entire goddamn book could have been scanned and posted as Panel(s) of the week. It is BEAUTIFUL. Rebekah Issacs’ not only renders her characters exceptionally but she has a real gift for storytelling and stunning action set pieces. Much of this series has been set in an “undeveloped civilization” and has featured warring tribes battling on epic natural battlefields…and Isaacs has just delivered a completely compelling and really cinematic visual experience. Overall it has been an amazing series, and I can say without a doubt is one of the best written, best drawn books I have read this year. I’ll miss it immensely when it ends next month. If you haven’t been reading it, I urge you to seek it out and if you can’t find it or can’t afford it, make sure to pick up the trade April 2011.
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week