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Have to give this week’s Cover Of The Week to Chris Burnham’s Batman Inc. Leviathan Strikes #1 – though it’d look a lot better without so much crap splashed all over it:

Although for “holiday spirit” I have to give it to this wonderful Daredevil #7 from Paolo Manuel Rivera:

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I’ve got some new CBR Reviews up!

Also, I was thinking this week about the CBR rating system and what it means to me and I was curious what some of you that read CBR reviews regularly think of the rating system there – what does 4 stars, etc., mean to you?

For me it’s a bit like this:

5 stars = the best comics – i.e. an excellent/great comic (but not necessarily 100% perfect – I know Greg Burgas reserves his 10 stars – which would be a 5 star equivalent – for something absolutely perfect, but I’m not sure I even believe in 100% perfect, so I don’t hold out my 5 stars for that)

4 stars = a very good comic

3 stars = a good comic

2 stars = a not good comic (for any number of reasons including mediocrity)

1 star = a bad comic

0 star = the worst comic (also a rating I have never given…yet)

Of course, CBR lets us use 1/2 stars – thank the gods! – so I use those to flesh out a bit more nuance – like 2.5 means it’s almost good, but not quite.  3.5 means it’s almost very good, but not quite.

Does this align with how you guys read those ratings?

A quick accounting of my reviews shows that of 120 reviews I have given five, 5-star reviews and only a single 1-star review (no zero star reviews).  I have a lot of 4.5 stars, but I chalk that up mostly to me being stingy with my 5 stars (also, I deliberately try to review books I believe I’ll like, so that’s working towards more positive reviews than negative as well).  On the whole I feel good about the ratings I’ve given, though I think my pattern, from a cursory look is to give books a half star extra than they sometimes deserve.  If I went back and re-evaluated all my ratings, I think they would mostly stay in tact, with a fair percentage being edged down half a star if push came to shove.  It’s all very interesting to me…but I catch myself wondering if other reviewers think this much about something like this.

The Ray #1

“Opening directly into the action, but rife with humor and even a well constructed origin story, Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, with stunning visuals from Jamal Igle, strike a perfect tone for this young energetic hero in DC’s new limited series “The Ray.”  In this first issue, Lucien Gates — a lifeguard accidentally shot with a solar energy “sun gun” and turned into a superher — explains how he became a superhero, introduces us to his life (including friends, family, and girlfriend) all while saving the world from gigantic telepathic jellyfish. We also get a peek at the big bad for the series, who is unfortunately not nearly as compelling as Lucien…”

Ultimate X-Men #4

“Though technically quite proficient, there’s a mechanical quality to this issue of “Ultimate X-Men” that results in something decidedly uninspired and conservative. Given some of the bold ideas put forth in this series (namely that the government created mutants) I expected (and hoped) for much more at this point in the series…”

Northanger Abbey #2

“Nancy Butler and Janet K. Lee deliver another beautifully drawn, smartly executed adaptation of a Jane Austen novel with “Northanger Abbey”. Nancy Butler has over the last three years proven to be extremely adept in adapting these tales for Marvel — first with “Pride & Prejudice” (art by Hugo Petrus) in 2009, followed by “Sense & Sensibility” in 2010 (art by Sonny Liew), followed by “Emma” (also with Lee) in 2011, and now “Northanger Abbey” in 2011/2012. Butler has known what she was doing with these lovely stories since her very first attempt, and it’s clear with “Northanger Abbey” she’s not missed a beat…”

As always, likes and retweets are much appreciated and you can read all of my CBR Reviews thus far, here.


Still no panel of the week since my scanner remains dead to the world, but I can still offer up some Cover of the Week choices.

Of course it’s a Batwoman week…so are you surprised to see Batwoman #4 by J.H. Williams III here?  No, you certainly are not.  Gorgeous.

Also strong this week is Julian Totino Todesco’s Northanger Abbey #2.  All of his covers are looking lovely but this one, thanks to those birds is my favorite.  I love how they glow white and draw the eye.  They also create a great graphic shape. Really wonderful stuff.

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Love this David Yardin piece for X-Factor #228.  Beautiful and haunting and very unique for mainstream superhero comics.

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A new She Has No Head! is up and it’s my Third Annual Awesome Women In Comics Holiday Gift List…head on over and see what 2011 gifts you should be giving…or asking for!


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The Womanthology Tumblr is doing some wonderful previews of the book.  And today Stephanie Hans and my story, SuperLess Hero went up.  Head on over to see the first two pages!  And keep going back to see more as pages continue to go up.

Also, I’m pretty sure SuperLess Hero is the first story in the book…which is pretty damn awesome.

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There’s a new She Has No Head! up on Comics Should Be Good and we’re celebrating the two year anniversary with…well, basically a links post.  But for those of you who haven’t been reading since the beginning, maybe you’ll discover something new!

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Some CBR Reviews this week:

Legion of Monsters #2

“Legion of Monsters” is one of those mini-series that you find yourself wishing was an ongoing immediately. Easily one of the best books I’ve been reading from Marvel of late, this series is completely fun, full of great characters, and tightly plotted…”

Avengers Academy #22

“The idea of Magneto visiting the Avengers Academy seems to write itself. Here, unfortunately, it didn’t and it feels like a wasted opportunity. The combination of Magneto, ultimate reformed bad guy, paying a visit to the kids that are being trained specifically so they don’t turn out exactly like him should be gold, but a combination of too many characters, too many plot threads, and mediocre writing and art leaves us with something shockingly dull…”

Supergirl #3

“Supergirl” #3 feels entirely unlike the first two issues of this series. Unfortunately, that’s not a great thing. The first two issues of “Supergirl” had clear, impeccably kinetic art and an incredibly decompressed story. It was too decompressed, in fact, but at least the stunning art and slow burn were compelling enough to warrant picking up the next issue in the hopes some real meat would eventually reveal itself. Unfortunately, the meat is here and it’s pretty bland…”

As always, likes and retweets are awesome, and you can read all my CBR reviews thus far here.


Some of you may have heard that X-23 has been canceled.

This is sad news, as X-23 is one of the only (the only? I’ll have to double check) female led titles over at Marvel. While the art teams on the book have not worked for me consistently, Marjorie Liu has been delivering a very well-written book throughout the run, and when she was doing it with phenomenal artist Phil Noto, it was one of the best books I was reading, so this is a real shame.

I can’t help but wonder if a better and clearer artistic vision for the book and covers that better reflected the story inside might have helped this title, but I guess we’ll never know. I’ll be sad to see it go, thanks Liu for some great work with a character I never expected to have such affection for, X-23.

And here, in an exceptional example of a horrible costume being nicely reworked, is a commission of X-23 from Peter Nguyen:

via Peter Nguyen Tumblr


From Declan Shalvey in Brian Wood’s Northlanders #46 this week:



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